Chapter 9 - A spot of decorating.

Start from the beginning

“Err...Action man, you do know that you're a werewolf, don't you?” I asked. An owl hooted above us and I spun around, startled.

“Yeah... You like my house?” He smiled, not noticing that I was obviously scared.

“It looks like a bloodsucker's den. Where the vampires steal a happy bystander off the streets and drag their innocent victims to his bat cave and suck the life out of...”

“You do know that vampires don't turn into bats.” Action man interrupted my rant that should totally turn into a world famous novel.

“It looks like Count Dracula's second home.” Trent creased his eyebrows in thought like a geeky architecture.

“Exactly, what we said.” Teddy and Nathalie exclaimed exactly at the same time. What is with people and reading each others' mind? And why can't I have an awesome super power as well?

“Jinx, you owe me a soda.” Nathalie grinned at the excitement of a free soda. Though I must agree free sodas does taste better than soda.

“I need to go to my office to sort some stuff out. How ‘bout you guys go upstairs, I got some spare clothes for visitors in a room. My Beta will show you and we can meet back in the car in 40 minutes.” Action man said before walking off to his house and disappearing into the gloom. We stood there in silence, when I just realized that my arms were still tied behind my back. If I was a escapologist, what will I do in this situation?

“Hey, do any of you guys have a lock pick?” They shook there heads. If I bring my hands to the front I may be able to get out of them easier. I twisted my shoulders and brought my hands under my bottom. I tried to move my arms a bit more to wiggle my legs through but it was no use my arms weren't flexible enough. I was stuck in an awkward position with my butt in the air and my arms stuck beneath it preventing me from moving my legs too much. When suddenly Teddy lifted a finger up in the air like he just thought of a brilliant idea.

“I just remembered that I have a master key for all manacles in my pocket because I'm Beta and cool like that.” Teddy smiled, proud that he thought of the idea.

“You idiot, you should have told me that before I decided to kill my arms.” I shouted. “Well, what are you waiting for? Get me out of this.” He went over to Nathalie and unlocked her and got her out. Typical, here I am in the most awkward position ever and he unlocks her first. Nathalie reading my mind, sticks her tongue at me, I glared at her in return. When I was finally free. I did my freedom dance. Okay, I did look like a chicken with her underwear hanging around her ankles but it was fun. We grouped back together in a huddle and started towards the door. We entered a dim hall. With black walls weaved together with dead souls and candles burning a blood red flame, well, that was a bit exaggerated but you get the general idea.

“Not many of the pack members live here. You can probably tell why. When our parents died, Shane was made Alpha early and it was difficult for him with all the responsibility and the...death. He went through this phase where he decorated the house all Gothic. Only me, Shane and Ted live here now.” Nathalie put on a sad smile.

“So if you all live together, how come you only met Ted now?” Darren asked a very good question.

I wouldn't be a rejected mate, if you no eat ma gummy bears!!Where stories live. Discover now