“Yeah I remember, I got trashed, had a great time and you hooked up with a hot guy… I'm seeing only positives here!” She stated, ticking them off her fingers as she went.

I smiled and playfully rolled my eyes at her.

“Ok so it’s about  Ni… him then?” She asked as we walked over to our lockers. I had quickly shushed her before she had said his name. It was too unique to be uttering in the corridors.

“What about him?” I shrugged, as I opened my locker. Who am I kidding, I know what about him; the question that’s been running through my mind since talking to James about my mystery guy. That’s all he is, is my mystery guy. I told Alex he was my boyfriend but the truth is I don’t know. We never officially gave ourselves a title, I just presumed. I over thought as usual. The funny part is that I was getting on at Niall for moving too fast and here I am… calling him my boyfriend when I don’t have a clue what he is. Is he even my friend? I know nothing about him! I groaned and leant further into my locker

“Babe! Are you even listening to me?” Came Alex’s raised voice from behind me. Shit, I was ignoring her.

“Sorry what? I zoned out there.” I turned to face her, feeling exhausted from all the thoughts rushing through my head like a tornado.

“No shit. I was talking for like five minutes, with no response.” I smiled sheepishly and she flashed me a smile that was forgiving. I closed my locker gently, books in hand, and turned fully around. Leaning back on my locker, I attempted to fully focus.

“So as I was saying, what happened? You seemed so happy and sure about the guy not twenty minutes ago!” She asked, a hint of worry and curiosity lacing her tone.

“I don’t know really,” I began quietly, trying to work out how to phrase it. “Talking to James and not being able to tell him anything just got me thinking. I started to question whether he is actually my boyfriend or whether I just presumed and went too far. I mean we are supposed to be taking it slow. And then I felt crap for wanting to party with James when I should be working on getting to know you know who better…”

“Aww babes come here, it’s okay.” Alex leant in and hugged me. I love hugs, they always cheer me up and they’re always so welcoming and warming.

“How about you talk to him about it? You like the communication don’t you?” She said. And I nodded.

“Sounds like a brilliant idea!” I cheered up and stood forward with a new resolve to work out what my place is with Niall, just so my brain doesn’t explode from frustration.

Seconds later the bell cut through our heart to heart and we headed to class; me to Drama and Alex to Art. As I approached the room, my heart started to pound. I was so nervous. What’s it going to be like in there? Will it be awkward, will he even talk to me? God I'm freaking out…

“Amy! Wait up!” I turned to see Max running towards me.

“Hey Max, what’s up?” I asked as I halted in the hallway letting him catch up.

“Not much. I was just heading to class too and I thought we go in together.” He smiled.

Go into together…?

“You're in drama too?” I asked and my tone came across as rather rude. “Sorry I didn’t mean it like that, I just only remember seeing James in there not you too.”

“Its ok, you seemed pretty distracted that lesson.” He laughed and I tensed at him words before calming down. I think I have paranoia! I think everything is always on to my little secret.

“Haha, sure! Why don’t you sit with us?” I asked just as James walked up. Max grinned and the three of us walked the remaining distance to the room.

My Teacher (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now