Chapter 23

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Sathana's POV

She felt groggy. 

She wondered what time is it.

Hmm. Doesn't matter. I'm going back to sleep.

Then she felt a weight wrapping around her.

She turned around and openned her eyes.

There she saw the most beautiful thing on earth.

Is this a dream?

Who the heck is this prince beside her?

Maybe she really is dreaming.

She rubbed her eyes.

Then she hears a quiet snore from the man beside her.


She touched his long and beautiful nose.

His eyelashes and erotic lips.

She smiled. If this was a dream, she doesn't wanna wake up anymore.

He really looks like a prince.


That sounds familiar.

Prince huh... where did she hear that magical word before?

The man beside her openned his eyes and smile.

"Morning" he says.

His voice is making her heart throb and her body warm.

Damn. His perfect. Where did this prince came from?

This is like the best dream she had in 17 years of her life.

The prince beside her grabbed her hand that is touching his face and kiss it.

He pulled her towards him and leaned in.

He then kissed her lips. It was a slow and passionate kiss.

Why this kiss feels familiar?

As if she already tasted something like this before.

He licksed the bottom of her lips, asking her for an entrance to her mouth.

She didn't refuse and she gave him an opening.

His tongue roamed expertly in her mouth. She also responded to his kiss and fight over to lead. Of course she failed. This kiss monster beside her is like a sex god.

Even it was just a kiss, she felt hot all over her body.

Damn. This prince is amazing. 

Wait Prince. Why is that the word prince....


She was kind of surprise because of the realization and she didn't mean to push him away.

She heard a thud and found prince fall out of bed. 

She immediately went after him and sat beside him


"Ouch. Whats that for?" he says while rubbing his bottom.

She might have push him really hard.

She felt so guilty.

Damn. She actually thought that she was dreaming a while ago and they are even kissing so passionately.

She began to blush.

"Im sorry. I thought I was dreaming and when I realize it was you and it was actually happening...." she whispered but she knew that prince heard what she've said because he was grinning now and she's blushing like mad.

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