Chapter 56

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Sathana Pov

She's sweating.

Her heart rate was higher than it was before the contest started.

She's nervous but at the same time excited.

This is the first time she feel challenged with math problems.

She can't help but to grin why she glance to the five judges who keep throwing her harder and harder questions.

The judges look startled when they saw her enjoying the situation.

Her group mates, and other competitors are also surprised because of how she could manage to smile in the middle of this nerve wracking event.

Actually, it feels like this is not a competition anymore since they're the only group left that still answers the questions.

Even if they stop answering the last 15 questions, they'll be the one who will get the gold.

Their scores are way higher than the group who are running for second place.

Her group mates are not even helping her anymore. They're all awestruck on the exchange of problems and answers between her and the judges.

She's bleeding her brains out in answering the questions while the judges are bleeding their brains too by coming up with harsher math problems.

The audience fell on silence and are just waiting on whose gonna give up first. Her or those dukes and duchesses of math.

She's pretty stubborn so she's taking all their questions seriously.

She honestly could get used to this kind of thrill.

Even the host whose reading the questions and answers are kind of shaking.

The intensity level of her exchange with judges is way higher than when the competition first started.

The host read the question that the judges pass.

She wrote every words and every number of the 12 sentences word problem.

She was given 5 minutes to answer.

She didnt waste any time to write the formula and go directly in solving it.

She laid out the plan in her head on how she will gonna solve the problem, then directly put the long numbers in the small white board that she's using.

Those judges are extremely cruel. This question are not even high school or college level anymore. This is extreme.

Well, that just proves that this competition have high standards for having 5 judges who are this smart. Even her, she thinks that their all genius.

She cant help to smile. She's glad to join this contest.

When she finish answering and look at the timer, only 20 seconds left.

She raised her answer and hand the whiteboard to the host.

The host read her answer and look at the judges for confirmation. Whether she answered it right or wrong.

Everyone is waiting for the suspenseful answer.

All ears waiting for the announcer.

"I-its right!!!!!" the host declared.

All the people in the stadium looks like they remembered to breath after the announcement.

The judges ask for 30 minutes break before proceeding into the last and final question.

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