Chapter 91

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Sathana pov

How fast the days are.
There's only a month left before their graduation.
She doesnt really know what to feel.
Ofcourse she's happy since she wouldnt need to see those bitches and assholes in their school but she cant deny too that she had lot of good memories with prince in school.

She is now sitting on the study table while prince is laying in the bed holding his form.
She look at her own form in front of her.
She is not really worried on what to put in here.
She already had some few choices.

The form is actually a questionnaire handed by their teachers this morning. They need to fill in what major they want to take and what school are they planning to go to. They have 1 week before handing this back.

"What major do you wanna do?" She ask prince. She is thinking that he might go to business or something because he is an only child and he will be inheriting their business.

Prince didnt answer her immediately and just stare in the ceiling.
"Hmmn.. I dont know yet." He said.
"Eh? Arent you gonna do a business major?"
"Maybe..." He answered vaguely.

This actually surprise her a lot. Since prince have always been perfect or something. She thought he already knows what he wanna do.
Prince look at her direction and smiled.
"Its fine. I have a week. Its already a lot of time."
She just nod in reply.
Oh well, he can take his time or he can also be a house husband. Either way is fine for her.
She smiled because of the idea.
She can provide enough for their family.
Haha. I know its a crazy thought but a girl can hope. You already know how possessive she is. It would seriously amazing if she can keep prince all for herself.
Its not very practical but she like it.
Lol. Just leave her crazy wishes alone.


"So what major are you planning to get?" Renz ask her.
They are in cafeteria now having lunch.

The usual small table with just her and jelly expanded quite a bit because of the nerds and the group of prince.
"Something related to math. Maybe business." She answered.
The eyes of the nerds actually twinkled because of her answer.
What the fuck? Creepy!

"Its good thana! We will all be in the same field! We can be business partners or allies!" Dan said excitedly.
"Wait. When did I agree being your allies and partners?" She ask sarcastically but the four nerds just ignore her.
What the-??!
"This is gonna be amazing!" Ceejay said happily.
She sigh. When did she stop being scary in front of this people?
This is actually very bothering!
She is Sathana Silvestre, an evil being from hell!

"How bout you jake? What do you plan on taking?" James ask.
W-what?! When did the nerds turn friendly with the popular group? This is shocking! Shocks.
"I'll be playing sports in college. Become proffesional when I graduate and maybe do coaching after I retire." Jake answered casually.
Whow. He already planned almost all his life. Amazing!
After the picture incident, jake continue to tease her here and there but doesnt really go on full attack mode. Maybe because he actually treat prince as a good friend. Who knows. He doesnt understand how the mind of the guys work.

Everyone ask each other what do they plan to get after they graduate.
When it was prince turn he didnt answer them and just smile.
She look at his face. He still have his normal expression but she is kind of worried. She knew that from this past few days, prince sometimes would be out of himself and stare at nothing blankly.
She thought that he is troubled about all of this college thing.

Prince look at her concerned face and immediately guess what she is thinking. He gave her an assuring smile and rub her head.


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