Chapter 71.1

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Extra chapter! Beware to those people who doesnt like BL or boys love. Please dont proceed.....

Jeremy's POV

Haa. He's seriously crazy.

Of course he is.

Who in the right mind would follow someone shady even if he's handsome, stunning, and enchanting.

He's like little red riding hood who got tricked by a big bad wolf.

Okay. That just sounds a little dirty.

He's following the guy at his side while they walk into some dark alley.

What surprising is he's not scared in the slightest.

Actually, all of his attention are directed into the guy. He can't stop himself from staring and studying him.
He doesn't even care where they are.

All his moves are perfect.

The way he walks is too elegant and fluid. He's like a king in some dark empire.

He look ruthless and dangerous but at the same time, you can't help but worship him.

On the otherhand, he looks like an abandoned puppy beside him.

He stinks and dirty. Acting like a hero didn't really do good into him.

"W-what's your name?" he ask after he save up some courage to talk to him.

The guy look at him first with his dark and captivating eyes. He's like being swallowed and drowned. He shivered a little bit from his stare.

"Xerxes." he answered shortly.

He got goosebumps after he heard his name.

It sounds perfect. His name is too perfect for him.

Xerxes is a name of a Persian king and it totally fits him.

He swallowed his spit and forgotten what he wanted to say.

He was tongue tied after that.
His heart beat just keep on beating faster and faster as the time goes by.
Definitely not good.

They arrive in some kind of dark and hidden door somewhere in the deepest part of abandoned alley.

He unconciously grab the sleeves of xerxes.
He doesn't know why but the guy give him the feeling of security.

The two other big men that are with them first opened the door to let them in.
What he first saw stunned him.
In this dark and somewhat ghostly looking alley, what inside was a full of life and somewhat chaotic scene.

The place is very bright and there's a lot of tables where people is gambling. It is somewhat resemble a casino without law.

Some people are throwing chairs and almost everyone are drinking. People are cheering and shouting.

What kind of place did he just went in to?!

Amidst with all the lawlessness, you can feel freedom and happiness. It is as if everyone have the skill to soar and fly.
There's no restrictions.

Many people greeted and bow to them when they pass by. You can see how respectful they are to xerxes eventhough their gestures are still very rough and weird.

They again went inside a room.
In there, it was very quiet compare to the otherside of the door.
There are 4 men sitting in a table.
Base from their looks, you could tell that they are rich and important people. They are actually old and intimidating.
Xerxes sat directly in the empty seat around the table while he awkwardly stood behind him and fiddling his fingers.
He want to sit beside him but it seems inappropriate since this looks like an important business.
His attire and presence is definitely not suitable in here.
The 4 men just curiously look at him for a bit and ignore him.
Haa. If he just look somewhat clean, he wouldn't feel this low.
He's already used to dealing with different people in business. Whether they are in dark or good side, he could still present himself but right now, he looks like a beggar.

How could he have some confidence?
While feeling awkward, xerxes suddenly pulled him in his side.
He scrambled to fix his sitting posture.
All his attention now is on the hands that is holding him.
Oh fuck. Just when his heart felt a little bit calm, now it is raging like a storm.
It got worse.
The talk of those people around him doesn't really registered in his mind since his attention are all into xerxes.
The way he moves his mouth.
The way his chest move very slightly when he breathe.
The way he crease his eyebrows....
And how warm his hands while holding his.
He was daze like he was been hypnotized.
He doesnt even care even if he is staring at him and everyone could easily tell.
His sense went back when xerxes pulled him up.
He tilted his head while looking at him. He was trying to ask what he's doing.
Good thing xerxes actually understand him and replied.
"Time to go."
He is still holding his hand until they walk out into the alley again.
Xerxes wanted to let go a while ago but he just tighten his grip.
There's no way he is releasing him!
He's already been captured by me!

Xerxes push him inside at the back of the car and sat beside him while the 2 other somewhat bodyguard of xerxes sat in front.
"Where is your place? Im sending you home." Xerxes said.
It feels like he was been struck by a lightning when he heard what he said.
H-he's sending me home?
If he sends me back....he might not be able to see him again!
Just thinking of it give him goosebumps and shiver.
He actually feels like he was been soffucated.
As if the reason that he breathes was been taken away from him.

"No way!" He immediately protested.
Xerses creased his brow a little bit when he protested.
"You need to go home." He insisted.
"Im not going to! You already said you will gonna take a responsibility on taking my heart! Your home is my home!" He said bravely and look at him resolutely.
He's not giving him up!
Okay. I know that those lines sounded weird and girly.
Why the heck did he say take a responsibility? Is he a pure girl that have been rob by his chastity?
Even him, cant stop feeling embarassed thinking about it but he cant help himself from blurting it out in panic.
They just had a staring contest.
He's will not lose him! He is now mine so he cant get away from me!
Evdn he himself was shock with his selfishness and possessiveness.
What can he do? He fallen...he fallen so badly inlive with him.

The crease in the forehead of xerxes deepens but he still look as elegant and gorgeous like before.

After a while, xerxes sigh while his face brightens.


Authors note:
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Who cant stand BL or boys love?
I will not continue this or put it in a seperate book if u guys want.
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