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Wiping my tears that were falling hastily from my eyes I climbed down the boundary wall of his house and drove back to my home. So what he doesn't feel same for me? So what he doesn't like me? That doesn't mean we aren't friends. It just so hurt right now that all I want is to cry. This wasn't any random crush, I never had random crushes. It is deep, I am attracted, infatuated and very much in love with him but the thing is, he only likes me anything but friend. This is the night when I want to just cry. As I reachedhome ,I did nothing but jump in bed avoiding the curious glances of dad." Purvi? Why you're so early?" Dad asked silently entering my room. I sniffed some more in my pillow." I thought it's your night and you guys were getting cosy. Well I'm quite happy to know my daughter is doing nothing nasty with him but just out of curiosity,I didn't expect you so early?" He asked me coming near. I can hear his voice getting near to me. I turned my face to other side."What happened? Why are you so silent? " he asked again and I couldn't help but sob. Oh! Why is that so hard." Oh my baby! It's ok. I will kill that pig, how dare he hurt you!" Dad exclaimed patting my head I turned and placed my head in his lap." No dad. It was me. I was thinking otherwise. I took his friendly gestures as something else. You should be happy your daughter is single. No one likes me dad," I cried hard on him. He is my dad but I can pourmy heart to him, like a best friend."He is actually a pig to not like you," dad said and I smiled." We can't force love, dad. And I'm happy to clarify things now, I would help me to be alarmed, " I said. I cried some more and insisted dad to go and have some rest. Tomorrow is my brother's wedding and I don't want him to be worn out. Sleep couldn't come to me that night and I was happy to cry on it. My firstheart break, it did hurt.And now I know that no one is as lucky as Purab andVrinda that have partners who reciprocates feeling towards each other. I am and everyone is happy for their wedding. Now I just have to concentrate on thatand avoid the chapter of last night. So what I saw Shaksham, I know how to avoid things and matter.Whenever any of my acquaintance had gone throughheartbreak, I always thought it would nothing but an stupid emotional problem that has nothing to do withpain but now? Well now, I would say sorry to all themand can say that this pain is worse than any other physical pain. I cried whole night, I had the right too but the fact made my heart twist that I have to face him with plastic smileAnyways, time to mourn will be more than enough for me but my brother's wedding would not be happening again. So determined to face anything I stand up and got myself dolled up to bring my bhabhi home.

ONE MONTH AFFAIRNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ