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He huffed hard when whole class laughed at him. He stood up and walked upto me.

"I am here discipline incharge... don't spoil my class",he roared.

"Dead man walking," I made a voice.

"Seriously dude... your a big NIRAS(not cool)," I said and looked away.

"Don't behave like this in my class",he hissed.

I was about to bite back when professor came and he sit on his place far than me.

"Hello sir",I smiled sweetly at him... a smile no one can deny.

"Yes? Oh! Miss Oberoi," he mellowed.

"Sir please can you ask Mr. Shaksham Mehta to sit with me. It will be helpful to write on him... to cover his story," I batted my lashes.

He... I think spell bound on my charm nodded and I get up and sit with him. It is then I realised he sit just behind Latika... the hoe.

"Oh lover boy is stalking," I whispered in his ear making him yelp.

Everyone looks at him and I winked him.

"Focus Shaksham," professor groaned I grinned.Oh boy!! Its just start you have to pay a pretty big amount coming in my bro's way.I may be stupid girl with idiotic antiques but you should never come and hurt my beloved ones coz man I will show you my worst side.But you know what... being in my usual self is enough to handle this boy.Latika kept on watching me and him turning again and again. And I deliberately looped my arm around his.

"You should stop doing this else you will regret," he hissed.

"I can never regret baby. Show me wat can you do," I hushed in his ears and saw Latika sulking.This is fun... I smirked.

Class ended and I made an uber cute face.
"Baby, I need some help. Please come na," my voice showed how much sugar I had coated.

"Shaksham we need to talk" Latika stomped her foot and walked off.

"Let her be...lets go I need to ask some questions" I chipped.
But he harshly hold my forearm.

"I m tolerating you, it doesn't mean I can't say anything. And just pray you won't got to see my bad side" he jerked me and walked off.My anger was on cloud 9. What does he think of me and himself?Just because that lolly pop Latika he barked on me.I prepared myself to show him who am I and what does it means to bark on me?

**PART 7

"Now why is my dear sister looking like baboon?' Purab mocked me laughing.

"Purab not now ok. Just because of you I was tolerating him" I huffed.

"You were tolerating or he was tolerating you?" He chuckled and I glared him.

" Ok then go on date with your gf and I m gonna tell him this. Be prepared to get your date spoilt" I threatened him.

"Are... I was just joking" Purab panicked.

" See your date has came. Go and enjoy and let me concentrate how to deal with him. Its now about my ego he hurted badly"Well that was a lie... he didn't exactly did any sort of game with my ego it was me who was torturing him and its me who wants to seek an opportunity to tell him never ever neglect me or never shout on me. Well I can't really help it... because its normal tendency in human that be it your mistake or not if someone overpowers you, you will definitely try to show him wrong. Thats my condition is.I want to show him that I m in control here.

I sensed purab go all silent now. Is he gone? Looking up I found him staring at the beauty standing in front of him. Till now I was searching how to explain you about vrinda but now I got the proper word.Pure and innocent. This is she... like we see Dia Mirza... she looks like her.Tall, slender, beautiful and pure.I smiled looking at them but soon all of ours smile vanished when Shaksham came there.God! This boy should be spy. Or may be he would make a great stalker.

"Vrinda. I asked you to be away from these two" shaksham glared her totally ignoring me and Purab.Here goes his next mistake. Now if anything happens to him, god please don't blame me.

"We were just talking" I heard Purab took a step forward and goes near him.

"I actually know how you talk with people. She is not Latika or any other girl. She is my sister" he groaned loudly . At this moment the image was clear to me.I know that Purab had fling with many girls and since Shaksham takes Latika's means Purab dated her too and that's why Shaksham is so against my brother.
Hmm....right!!!!Now I can play my card. Well not exactly card but just game.

"Ohh. So you're upset with this thing. U should have told me this. I can fix you with her. But dude she is soo.... you know, hoe type" I furrowed my brows andhe gave me tough look again.

" Is you dictionary lack words? Always on tough look" I mocked.

"If I started speaking you might be wound by your own words." He said in hissing tone.

"Ohh really! Then speak up. I would love to have chat with you" I plastered a smile .

"Enough you two. Shakkhu plz I love Purab. Why can't you accept him? What he did was past. You can date latika now. Even she likes you" Vrinda spoke.I awestruck watched her saying. But hey? What she said.Shakkhu??Like really.... sounds like Shakku bai. I laughed hard.He looked at me and frowned.

"Vrinda" he seethed.

"Shakku bai" I laughed again and this time Instead of getting angry he pouted and walked away.

"You two. Meet me at cafe. 5 pm sharp. We will be there" I said and turned to follow my shakku bai.

"Hey shaksham. " I called and he halted.He said nothing just was cold yet was looking cute with that pout.

"You have no right to call me Shakkhu" he finally talked normal.

"But I toh called you Shakku" I winked and he again pouted.

"Don't pout this much. I may fall for you" I winked and we both laughed at my stupidity. Walking the corridor I decided to ask him.

"So? Why this change in behaviour? " I asked.

"I just hate when you do all stupid things. And bonusyou're trying to take my sister. I don't trust your brother" he explained.

"I just thought to talk to you normal to know your views. But if you ask me.. you're still very irritating girl" he rolled his eyes and I grinned.I was right he is sucha good boy.I turned my head to other side watching the football game and hearing the cheers. I smiled.And because of my careless walking I tripped on that stairs and fall down.Well that was just 4-5 stairs still... my ankle go all blue and swollen.I winced hard.Looking around for help but there was no one.It wasthen I saw Shaksham has walked away and I am here.But hey! I m big girl I can manage. I tried to get up but its so much paining.Dear god, kindly send your angel to carry me. I prayed.

I've mixed two parts coz what I wrote in groups was too short for wattpad.

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