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Draping myself in the golden bordered peach colored saree and with a bit of makeup I was ready to hit the wedding. So what I was depressed, this was Purab's day and I never wanted to ruin anything of him because of me. My hairs were bouncing on my back and I was all set now. The hustle bustle around the house itself was telling that its indeed a wedding house. Women were giggling and panicking for their make up and outfits, men were ordering around and some were still like 'hon, where's my shirt and bleh, bleh bleh' I can't believe them. And last but not the least evil kids. Well in this whole wedding part and since I was busy with Shaksham I forgot to mention how the kids troubled me. Man, I need to keep them in check. And by the way, where are my parents? I wandered around the house only to ne halted in front of historical scene playing in front of me. The groom, my brother, was being bullied by the bunch of kids. I hid myself and stiffled the laugh that was threatening to come out of my mouth.
Those kids ,I presume were around 11 or 12 were clutching some papers and some had his outfit.
" Rishi, hand me back those. I have to get ready," Purab said.
"No Chachu, it's your punishment. You force me to be with Aahana di," Rishi stuck his tongue out. That must have been hilarious, being with my sis is actually a task. I'm not surprised that he's all worked up.
"And you didn't let me play on your video game," Twinkle huffed hiding a packet behind her. Purab whimpered and looked at them giving in.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I will provide you anything you like just gimme that back," he said to them.
" I like you begging, " Vinee winked, quoting Malificient. I frowned, these kids are really evil. So I stepped in to save my brother instead they double attacked on me. But I caught glimpse of my scrap book too.
"Hey? That's mine," I cried and all the little devils turned smirking at me.
"And here is she. She didn't let me sleep on her bed," vinee said. I blinked looked at them.
What are they upto?

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