Chapter 14,15

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"Hum bhag kyu rhe he? (Why are we running? )" I asked him huffing and panting, controlling the tears of pain as my ankle hurted badly."Qki ap maharani, bewakuf ho( because you my highness is so stupid )," he gritted his teeths and halted near his car.

"Where is your vehicle? " he asked me and I shrugged in response.

"I was supposed to call purab," I said simply eyeing my leg.

"Just get in before they come running to kill you," he said and made me sit.

'Ok. But what the heck happened?" I asked casually.

"What the heck happened? Did you or did you not give him the duplicate notes?" He asked me sternly, his eyes were so red that for some reason even I got scared and nodded like nerd school girl.He threw his hands in air in frustration and mouthed, "now I guess you deserve this, but they're behind me too to kill me specially that Cardiac arrest, you gave him a genuine reason now".I did nothing but listening 'cause I knew if I would open my mouth he would definitely give me the knock out punch.We were about to leave the street when our cells buzzed simultaneously.We looked at each other and then to caller id before picking up the call.

"You did wrong girl," the brooker threatened me.

"It was just mistake, she will return the money," said Shakku over his phone and I thought to copy him, and I did.

"It was just mistake, she I mean I will return the money," I rolled my eyes at my stupidity and smacked my head with my palm.

"But you bluffed me and you've to pay," he groaned and I heard Shan I mean Shaksham saying, " wasn't tonight enough to treat your bones". I repeated the same without thinking.
"Wasn't tonight enough to treat your bones," I said.

"Oh! So now you want to fight. Fine. My men are on their way to hunt you two after that you two will be finished", he said and cut the call.I kept looking at the mobile screen only.

"The goons are searching for us," we both blurted at the same time.I panicked a little. I knew I am very cool type of girl but I never encountered goon uptil then.Shaksham looked at my horrified face and then kepthis gaze pinned to the road.

"I know a good escape but it's for tonight only. Better return his money to him tomorrow," he said and I guess for the first time I didn't want to argue with him.And he drove somewhere I didn't recognise.

"I know people wants to take me especially men but I thought you weren't interested, " I said with weird face.He scowled next moment and gave me a 'nonsense' look.I chuckled and then looked at the surrounding, I might be tagged as biggest cliche of era.I mean I myself invited the whole gang behind me and now is running with the person I intended to expose as the 'bad' one. He drove his car towards the woods and took an unknown way.We passed through the canals and some fields too; and then the vehicle halted at an unknown destination where there were only silence was prevailed along with some ruin.
"Hop down," he ordered and with a grumpy face I had to got down of the car.

"Really? Is this your dream home?" Sarcasm was dripping from my voice.

"Yeah! I bought this one for you, my love," he too retorted back and I rolled my eyes.With slightly limping I got in the ruin actually haunted house and shaksham went to hide the car.It wasn't roofy actually it was covered with sack at few parts of that house.I sheltered in that and sat in the corner waiting for him.Some strays , bricks, torn clothes, everything was rubbish there.The weather went cold and the night grew dark and Iwas just waiting; no sign of him.


Waiting for him in that chilly night was making me restless; I thought to get up and see whether he was coming or not, whether he really was coming or just betrayed me.I came out of that haunted place full of various reptiles which were spooking me and saw some shuffling sound nearby bushes.

Yes, I was. And to top of it there was no sign of Shaksham. I pledged that if he wasn't going to come, I will expose him but if he would come; he was safe.I saw shaksham running towards me which gave me ultimate peace at that moment.

"Who asked you to come out? Let's go inside, " he scolded me and led me inside holding my hand.What was that I was feeling was totally alien to me. Just the touch of his hand of mine was sending various sensations in my system as if I was tickled all over the body yet my laughter died.As if someone just put me on roller coaster ride and I was still.As if the fire lit up but I can't see the flame only can feel the heat.

"Purvi? Did they come here? I am asking for 3rd time," shaksham literally shook me; shoot! I was zoned out.

"Ugh! Ha.. no they didn't," I said and sat in another corner whereas he choose the front one.

"What took your so much time?" I asked him not wanting to show that I was scared.

"To hide the car," he casually said and pulled out his cell to check something and then I realised that I too had a cell phone and could call dad.

"No network, " he said as I pulled out my phone. My frustration was reaching it's peak and it's all because of him, who asked him to bad mouth me.

"Kuch khane ko he?(do you have something to eat?)" I asked him who was slowly drowning to sleep.

"What would you like to have?" He asked sarcastically it meant we had nothing.

"Eat them, they will give you energy," he forwarded his protein chocolates to me and I grabbed them as I was too hungry to leave them. Hours passed and they didn't show up. With each passing hour night grew more chilly.Goosebumps formed on my skin and my shirt's fabric was too thin to warm me.Shaksham was sound asleep. I wonder how could he sleep like that without fear what if someone cameup. But obviously he could beat anyone; he's a kick boxer.I never thought I could be able to see his this side. Apart from cute, innocent and mature shaksham to rough, bad, arrogant and hot shaksham.My stomach twisted a little seeing his face glowing in the half moonlight and his lips... I never thought they would ever lure me.He was sleeping, resting his back on the wall and hands on his knees still in this situation he was affecting me.Had you ever heard, hormonal locha(problem)?That's happening with me.Little did I want to rest my head on his broad chest, little did I want to hear his heart, little did I want to be in his arms.How could he capture my conscience in few days? I wonder!Seeking the opportunity I pulled his arm carefully and made myself sit hugging him, feeling his warmth in me as I made him clutch me.Rubbing my cheeks over the fabric of his shirt whichwas visible to me as his jacket was unzipped, I felt better and looked upto him. His face was peaceful and he had the most handsome features of face. I smiled and closed my eyes, feeling the rhythm of hisbeating heart. I clutched his shirt in my fist and sit closer to him as his body was radiating warmth in my body. I looked upto him unable to stop the flow of emotions and hormones inside me I placed my lips on his chin and then pulled back fast.What was I doing? Just be like that do nothing, purvi.I scolded myself.
I will pull apart before he's awake... I decided.


Hey readers,
If any one of you have translation problem let me know.

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