Chapter 25

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When Nathan dropped Jonathan off at his house, he followed him to the door, and got a hug goodbye. He left Jonathan's house and drove around town for a while. He decided to stop by his usual hangout place for a snack when he bumped into a certain red haired girl on the way out.

"Sorry. Oh-" He sighed when he recognized Wendy.

"Nathan." She greeted him coldly.

Nathan stretched, weighing his drink in his hand. "Wendy." He replied.

Wendy gave him a suspicious look, narrowing her eyes at him. "I heard you were on a date yesterday." She said. "Who had the honor?"

Sighing at the eternal gossiping, Nathan shrugged. "I believe that's none of your business." He said.

Wendy gasped, glare intensifying. "Fine!" She stomped with her foot. "I didn't care anyway!" She yelled, pushing past him and stomping over to her friends that were waiting by a booth over by the window.

Nathan ignored her, and drove back home. Jennie was still gone, so Nathan went upstairs to run a mile or two on the treadmill. He liked running, it gave him time to think, and running didn't require any particular skill.

"Boys?" He heard Jennie call around an hour later.

"Upstairs." Nathan called back, wiping his forehead as he adjusted the speed. "Jonathan went home." he explained when Jennie stood in the door. He didn't look at her, but he knew that she was smirking at him.

"So..." She hummed. "Boyfriend. Boyfriend." She kept repeating, making Nathan roll his eyes. "Boyfriend-"

"Jennie, please." Nathan stepped off the treadmill.

"I'm sorry, but it's so cute." Jennie squeaked. "Ah, don't give me that look. You're adorable!" She gushed when Nathan rolled his eyes.

"You're crazy." He told her.

"I'm not!"

Nathan laughed. "Yes you are! Even Jonathan thinks so."

Jennie frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. "Really?" She asked.

Nathan gave her shoulder a pat, and smiled at her. "Yeah, but he likes you anyway."

"Really??" Jennie's face slip into a big smile.

"He thinks you're funny. I'm gonna take a shower." he quickly excused himself and retreated to the his room. He could hear Jennie go downstairs and turned the radio on in the kitchen. He took a shower, and when he came back out his cellphone rang. "Nathan." He replied while drying his hair with his towel.

"Hello, Nathan." He heard his father chuckle.

"Dad!" Nathan cheered. "Hi, how are you? Are you all right? How's Germany?" He asked, throwing his towel away and seating himself on the bed.

His dad chuckled again. "I'm doing just fine, Nathan. Germany's nice. A lot of pretty cars, and good food." Aaron said. There was a pause, and for a moment Nathan thought the call had ended. "How are you doing, son?"

Nathan hesitated, opening his mouth to answer. "I-I... Yeah, I'm great." he blurted out. "I-I miss you." He added carefully.

"I miss you too, Nathan. I'm sorry I haven't called you yet, I've been so terribly busy, and I lost my phone the other day." Aaron explained.

"It's fine!" Nathan assured. "Really. It's okay, but I'm happy you called now."

"That's good, Nathan. I'm glad you're not angry with me."

Nathan shook his head. "Oh, no. I'm not. I'm really not."

Aaron was silent for a while. "That's great, Nathan. You... um... you wouldn't mind handing the phone to Jennie for a minute?" He asked.

"Not at all! Hold on just one moment." Nathan got up and dashed down the stairs. Jennie glared at him when he came running in his boxers. "Jennie, phone for you. It's dad." He held out his phone for her to take.

"Aaron!" Jennie cheered into the phone and pressed the phone to her hear. "Yes, I'm fine. And Nathan's being wonderful." She smiled as she spoke.

Nathan left her alone, going back to his room to get dressed. He walked back downstairs noting that Jennie was still on the phone. He didn't listen in, but he could tell that she was really happy about talking to his dad.

Nathan couldn't help but feel a little jealous of her, wondering what they were talking about, if they missed each other a lot. He wondered if his dad had said goodbye to Jennie when he left. He wondered if he'd ever be that happy over a phone call. Maybe when he and Jonathan had-

He had to stop himself completely after thinking that. Doing a double take of that thought. Had he really just thought about that? He was a boy. A teenage boy. Seventeen year old boys don't think about marriage, or weddings, or any of that stuff. Besides did he really like Jonathan so much he'd marry him? Would Jonathan ever like him so much he'd marry him?

They'd been dating for two days. What the hell was he thinking? Marriage?

Nathan snorted at his own thoughts and turned the TV on. He looked up when Jennie patted him on the shoulder and handed him the phone. "Hello?"

"It's me again." his father said, sounding a little more cheerful.

"Hi!" Nathan smiled.

"Yes. Hello, Nathan." Aaron chuckled. "I just wanted to say goodbye. You know I'll be back nest Sunday. Is there anything you want me to bring back home for you? If there's anything you want, just tell me." He said.

Nathan shook his head. "Just just want you to come home in one piece soon."

"All right, Nathan." Aaron said. "Take care of Jennie for me while I'm gone."

"I will, I promise. Love you, dad." Nathan blurted out.

"I-... I love you too, Nathan. Goodbye." Aaron hung up the phone and Nathan smiled up at the TV. Jennie sank down in the couch next to him, not saying much. They both sat silently, both deep in thoughts. Nathan's thoughts slowly drifted back to Jonathan, and a possible life together, even though he tried to think of something else.

It wasn't until Jennie shot back up from the couch, shrieking that he snapped out of his fantasies. "The food!" She yelled, running into the kitchen and ripping open the oven. "It's not burnt!" She announced. "Nathan, come and eat."

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