Addison walked in, making Derek quiet, "Dr.Bailey, can I get-" she stopped and looked out the window to the hall.

"Is that-" George started.

"McSteamy," Cristina said, finishing George's sentence.

I looked out the window and saw Mark wearing a doctors coat and talking to Webber and some other man I didn't know.

I heard the sound of someone throwing up and turned around to see Meredith puking.

"Grey," Bailey said.

"No, Mr.Sullivan don't light that!" George yelled.

Mr.Sullivan was holding a cigarette in his mouth and had his lighter out. Once he lit it his whole upper body went into flames. We all stood back as an explosion of fire filled his room.

"Someone get a fire extinguisher!" Shepherd yelled, racing to his room.

"Uh call a code red!" Bailey called.

"Well this is already turning out to be a hell of a day," I said.


 "I'm fine," Meredith whined. 

"You don't look fine, you look beautiful, but you don't look fine," Shepherd said.

"Uh god," Cristina said, "I'm gonna throw up.'

"I'm fine. Go you have aneurysms to clip, and surgeons to confront," She said, Mark walking by.

"Ugh you're right," he said, "Will you two look out for her?"

"Mhm," Cristina said.

"This is gonna be good," I said, as Derek went over to talk to Webber and Mark.

"What kind of idiot lights a cigarette in a hospital," Webber said.

"Apparently people do idiotic stuff all the time," Derek said.

"What's going on?" George asked, standing next to Meredith.

Webber walked away, Derek followed right behind him, "Chief, Chief!"

Addison walked up to Mark, "I thought you were going back to New York."

"Things change," he said.

"You can't do this. You can't be here," Addison said.

"Sure I can. It's easy. Sold the apartment, sold the practice."

"Guys watch this is getting good," I said pointing to the two.

"He is a liar and a cheat," Derek said to Webber.

"And it's getting even better!" Cristina said.

"He is one of the finest plastic surgeons in the country. His department generate twice the revenue neuro does," Webber said.

"That's why he's here? For the money!"

"Why do you think I'm here?" Mark asked.

"This is the reason I left you," Addison said.

"I thought you left me for Derek," Mark said.

"Guys this could totally be a movie or a TV show," I said.

"I left New York because of him," Derek said angrily.

"He was your best friend," Webber said, "For years."

"Right up until the part where he had sex with my wife."

"People make mistakes," Webber said, defending Mark.

For A Reason {Mark Sloan} - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now