"Hey girl! Ready for a long flight?" Sophia asked.

"Ugh no, but I'm ready to see Harry."

Britt came around the corner and looked me up and down. "You do realize you don't match at all right?"

"You do realize I'm comfy and don't give a shit, right?"

"You could at least match and not look like a slob."

"Britt, you forget that I don't care what people think of my clothes. I'm comfy, and I miss my boyfriend therefor, I'm wearing my comfy clothes and his hat."

"Whatever. At least the rest of us look good," she said, and I rolled my eyes.

"Are we all ready? Is Perrie coming?"

"No. She said she had stuff to do with Little Mix, so she won't be coming," El explained.

"Well, let's call a cab and hit the road. I'm ready to see my man!" I said excitedly.

An hour later, we made it the airport and went through customs and security. That's one thing I hated about international travel–all the crap you have to go through. Here we sat in the first-class lounge waiting for our flight to start boarding. El and Sophia were doing their own thing while Britt went to the bathroom and I was sitting there reading 'Pride and Prejudice' on my phone.

"Tab, you okay?" Britt asked, returning from the bathroom.

"Yeah, I still get a little nervous flying."

"Okay, but it's something else, I can tell."

"I hate that you can read me. I don't know though. I just miss Harry. At least last time he was in the states, so it wouldn't take long to see him, and when we talked, he was either a hour ahead or at least two behind, so it was easy. Now, I almost never get to talk because they're nine hours ahead."

"He texts and calls during the day, doesn't he?"

"Yeah, but I'm working, so it's not like we can talk long. Plus, they're preparing for tour. It hasn't even started yet. I think I'm just being selfish."

"No, you're in love! I'm the same way just not as intense."

"I'm that way too," Sophia sat beside me.

"What about you El?" I asked.

"I used to be like that. I've been with Louis since the beginning. I've been through a lot of tours."

"So, it'll fade?" Britt looked sad.

"No, not at all, but I haven't been honest with you guys. Um..."

"El, we're all friends, you can tell us," I said, trying to encourage her.

"Well Lou and I are really rocky right now. I'm actually hoping me going to Australia will help us out. If not, I think we might be over." There were tears forming in her eyes.

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