I got accepted into London University, but I didn't tell Zayn just yet. I thought I would surprise him tomorrow being that the flight is 9 to 10 hours. I already made my arrangements for my hotel until I move into my dorm next week. I went downstairs to eat some breakfast that my mom cooked. My dad was already eating and my mom was pouring three glasses of orange juice. I gave my dad a hug and made my way over to my mom.

"Good morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" I took my orange juice and drunk a little before sitting down.

"I slept good, just excited to surprise Zayn." My mom smiled and my dads face lit up.

"Let's tell her." My dad said looking at my mom.

"Tell me what?" My mom walked over to stand next to my dad.

"Well we were so proud of you getting accepted into college that we got you a new car." My draw dropped when my mom told me that.

"Are you serious?" My mom nodded her head rapidly up and down.

"Go see it, it's out front" I walked outside to see a brand new Toyota Venza. I almost screamed, but then I realized it's still morning. I ran up to my parents and gave them a big hug. I heard a text message alert on my phone. It was from Zayn.

"Zayn texted and he said he's next to audition." I told my parents. I sent him a short text back with more words of encouragement, some from me and some from my parents.

We went back inside to finish our breakfast and chat a little before I had to say my goodbyes. My parents drove me to the airport and they would send my car over to London by midnight. We pulled up to the airport and my mom instantly started crying. My dad shed a few tears and I eventually broke down.

"Call us when you get there, and if anything happens you can come home anytime." My mom said giving me a hug.

"Oh, Karen she'll be fine." My father said now giving me his fatherly hug. I lived for these kind of hugs and just knowing I can't get them every day saddens me, but I'll be fine.

"Okay you gotta go, if you don't want to miss your flight." My mom said reminding me.

"We love you very much." My mother said bringing it in for a group hug.

"I love you too." I said pulling apart and grabbing my luggage. I sent one final wave goodbye to them and my mom blew me a kiss. I boarded the plane and put my luggage up in the compartment where it belongs. I took my seat and turned my phone on airplane mode. I pulled out my laptop and listened to some of my favorite songs while dozing off to sleep.

10 Hours Later

"Excuse me ma'am. We landed you can get off the plane now." The nice flight attendant told me. I was so excited all over again. I seen a man with a sign that read Parker and I walked over to him.

"Are you Alissa?" I nodded and he opened my door for me. I sat inside and he went over to the driver seat.

"Where to Ms.Parker?" he asked me looking in the mirror so he could see my face.

"Call me Alissa and to The Caesar Hotel please." He smiled and said,

"You got it." The drive was calm and peaceful. It didn't take long and the hotel was breathtaking. I know I'm going to be up all day since I slept during the whole flight. I didn't have any energy to unpack just yet. I would do all of that later. I flopped on the bed and texted my mom that I made it. I called Zayn to see if he would answer. He might not given that X Factor probably has him all busy. He didn't answer, well I guess I would have to surprise him.

Since my car was delivered on time I got in my car, typed in the address, and let the GPS lead the way. It took me 15 minutes to get there from my hotel. I was so nervous that my palms were sweating. What if he doesn't want to see me? What if I came all this way for nothing? I'm sure he'll be happy to see me or at least I hope he is. I walk through the double doors and I hear Zayn singing on stage. I go sit in the audience chairs where he can't see me. He finishes his song and everyone claps. He pulls his phone out his pocket and says,

"Crap, I missed Ally's call." He accidentally said that into the microphone causing me to laugh. My phone starts ringing and Zayn's picture pops up.

"Hello." I said trying not to laugh.

"Hey Ally, sorry I missed your call. I was doing sound checks." I couldn't help it, I laughed.

"It's okay, so how was your audition?" I asked watching Zayn walk across stage while talking to me.

"It went great actually, Simon Cowell wants to put me in a boy band. I listened to every word you said. I really you wish you were here Ally." I thought I'd let him know that I am there with him.

"I am there with you." He froze up on stage.

"How could you be here when your in California silly." He said sitting down on the floor. I got up and walked down to the stage.

"No I'm right here." I said going up the steps to get to the stage. He dropped his phone and his eyes grew huge.

"ALLY!" he screamed running over to me. I hugged him back as I started crying.

"I can't believe it's you, what are you doing here?" he asked letting go of our embrace.

"I got accepted into London University and I wanted to surprise you." He hugged me again.

"That's great, when do you start?" He said pulling away from our embrace again.

"Next week." I said putting my hair behind my ear.

"Where are you staying?" he asked that so fast, I thought he was having word vomit.

"The Caesar Hotel." He folded his arms and shook his head.

"Come stay with me and the lads, they would love to meet you." Now I looked at him with wide eyes.

"I don't know Zayn, living with five guys. That could be a little crazy, don't ya think?" He laughed.

"No, they're friendly and besides my best friend isn't living in a hotel." I gave in like I always do.

"Okay, but only until school starts." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Those are your words, not mine." He smiled and led the way. We went to the hotel to get my stuff and he took me to their flat. What if they don't like me? I knew Zayn my whole life, but four new guys is a bit much. What if they think I'm ugly? I don't know if I can do this. I mean this all seems sudden. At least I have Zayn, he'll always be there for me.

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Twitter: @nash_lyric
Instagram: @lyricni_

So that's the first chapter, I hoped you liked it. Please tell me what you think in the comments and vote for this chapter. Love all my readers!❤

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