You so like him! Xxx

To: Leigh Leigh

Do not! I only like him as a friend nothing more! Xxx

From: Leigh Leigh

Whatever you say! Xxx

To: Leigh Leigh

You are hopeless! Xxx

From: Jesy Bessie!

Me too! I think a new bikini would be nice! I love shopping! Xxxx

To: Jesy Bessie

Me too! It's so fun! When are you coming? Xxxx

From: Jesy Bessie

We are staying about 10 minutes away and we are leaving right now so we will see you in about 10 minutes and then Perrie has to talk to Niall no idea what for though! Then we can go! Xxxx

To: Jesy Bessie

Ok see you in 10! Xxx

"They have just left their hotel and will be here in about 10 minutes then Perrie has to talk to Niall about something!" I told everyone.

"ok what's Perrie talking to Niall about?" Eleanor asked.

"No idea!" I said.

Niall's POV

Harry left to go give the money to Lottie.

"I wonder if he made a fuss that Taylor isn't going with them!" Louis exclaimed.

"Probably not as he was trying to get Lottie to take his money!" Zayn said.

"Yeah Lottie is the kind of girlfriend Harry needs!" Niall said.

"Yeah I agree!" Louis agreed.

"Have you all given your girlfriends money?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah after some arguing and her running away and me chasing her with the money she finally gave in!" Louis said laughing.

"Yeah me too!" Liam and I said together.

"I need to give money to Perrie when she comes," Zayn said.

"When's she coming?" I asked.

"I don't know when I texted her she said she was coming in about 15 minutes to 30 minutes depends on how quick the other girls get their buts downstairs!" Zayn laughed.

"Ok well I am going back up to my room!" I said leaving the table and walking through the lobby where I bumped into Perrie, Jade, Leigh Anne and Jesy.

"Hi!" They said.

"Hi!" I responded.

"Niall I was looking for you! We need to talk!" Perrie said dragging me away. I looked worriedly at the other girls but they just shrugged their shoulders.

Perrie took me to my room and texted someone I started to get a little scared.

"So what did you need to say to me?" I asked.

"Do you have any siblings?" Perrie asked. Why does she want to know that?

"Yes," I answered.

"How many? Boy or girl? What's their name?" Perrie asked.

"1, boy and Greg and" I said confused as why she was asking me this.

"Any other sisters?" she asked. Then I realised that she was trying to get me to say.

"Nope!" I said.

"You know very well who I am talking about!" Perrie exclaimed.

"Fine I have another sister called Sidney!" I exclaimed stomping out the door.

My Sister, Taylor Swiftحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن