Where We Came From

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Pan's POV:
*A long time ago*
Every year I would visit the Enchanted Forest for new recruits for my band of lost boys. I would usually come during the night, when the kids were sleeping. There was this one house that always had laughter and joy pouring out of it. I would watch it every year for hours. I never understood the meaning of family, but I knew it important. One year during the celebration a fight broke out. I heard yelling, screaming, and glass shattering on the floor. Minutes later, a man walked out with bags in his hands. In the house I heard a woman crying. The woman told her child to go up to her room in between sobs. Obediently, the child walked up the stairs to her room. For about an hour I watched the young girl cry herself to sleep, through the open window. I flew over to her windowsill, and casted a spell allowing her to see me in her dreams. Since I was off talking to her every time I visited, I had Felix gather the new recruits for my lost boys.This continued until the night before she turned 18. When she turned 18, she would be considered an adult, and would be married off to some man.

In her dream she asked, "Is there any way you could come to my world." She didn't know I was real. I've known her since she was six, and I didn't have the guts to tell her. You see, if I tell her I'm real, she'll want to come with me to Neverland. And that means she'll see the real me. The me who abandoned my own son for youth. The person who killed anyone who got in my way. I didn't want her to see this side because I had fallen in love with her, and I could tell she felt the same about me. I shook my head. It hurt to lie to her, but it was for the best.

"It's time for me to go," I whispered. I got up.

"But can't you stay a little longer?" She whined.

"No, it's almost morning. And it will soon be your wedding."

"But I don't love him, I love you." She said, a tear falling down her cheek.

I smiled, "And I you." I leaned down and kissed her forehead. And with that I walked out her dream. I walked back to where Felix was with the recruits and took them to Neverland. For days it was hard to sleep or eat. It was even harder to feel emotion. I regretted not telling her I was not real. From this, I became cold hearted, mean, and selfish. I murdered anyone who got in my way. Years past. I had heard rumors from the lost boys that she attempted to ran away with a pirate, but after a few years of traveling, she got killed by her husband. They told me that the pirate she wanted to run away with went by the name of Captain Hook. Hook and I met not too long before the incident. Him and his brother came to Neverland in search of a poisonous plant called dream shade, thinking that it would heal their country from sickness. Shortly after their arrival, Hook's brother died from injecting himself with dream shade. I felt like making Hook suffer even more. He was the reason she got killed. One day when I was recruiting more lost boys at the orphanage, I heard a child crying in the room next door. I quickly hid in the shadows of the orphanage. I saw twin boys, about five years old, wake up and walk over to the next room. I quietly followed. I saw them comforting a little girl, probably around the age four. It didn't take me long to figure out that the three of them were siblings. The two boys started telling her stories. The stories weren't just any normal stories, they were about the children's parents.

"And mommy and daddy went to their hometown. That's when dad got into this sword fight with a powerful man. The powerful guy wanted to take mommy away, but daddy didn't like that. So dad gave the man his hand in exchange for mommy. And then daddy went by the name Captain Hook!" One of the little boys ranted. Captain Hook? The Captain Hook? The one who got my love killed? These three kids were the sons and daughter of Hook?

The other little boy started talking, "Shortly after you got in mommy's stomach, she got sick. Dad traveled around the word to find a cure. Dad found this golden flower and gave it to mommy to make her feel better. After you were born, mommy got sick again and died." A golden flower that heals people? Does that mean the little girl has powers? That's when I came up with a plan to kidnap the girl when she was old enough and use her to stay youthful forever. And after I become youthful forever, I'll kill her in front of her father, getting my revenge.

A Diamond in the Rough Part One// A Peter Pan Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now