Peter Pan

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I woke up on a warm beach right next to the ocean. I sat up seeing my brothers laying right next to me. I stood up knowing that it would probably be a few minutes until they woke up. I stared out at the ocean. I always loved the the water. The blue ocean waves stretched out to slightly touch my feet. The water wasn't hot, but it wasn't cold. It felt like bath water. I never expected much in life, and that's way I was just content standing here, enjoying the ocean. "So I see you like the ocean." I turn around to see a boy about my age with perfectly swept brown hair and beautiful green eyes, walk up to me. His British accent made me want to smile, but I managed to keep a straight face.
"Who the hell are you?" I asked.
"Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? My name is Peter, Peter Pan." I have to admit Peter Pan was quite attractive. "And who might you be, love?" I felt my face heat up a little when he called me love.
"My name is Melody" I said shyly.
"Melody, would you happen to know who these two gentlemen might be?" Pan asked. Up until that point I had almost completely forgotten my brothers.
"Oh, those two are my older brothers. The one on the right is Cole and the other one is Bradley." Even thought they were identical twins, I somehow managed to tell them apart.
"Well, when they wake up, make sure to give them a warm welcome from me." His voice sent chills down my spine. He started to walk off, but I manage to stop him before he did.
"Wait? So are you just going to leave us here?" I questioned. One thing was for sure and that I didn't want to be left here to starve on an island.
"Don't worry, love, I'll be back." And with that he engulfed himself in a purple cloud that through me off guard. How'd the hell did he do that? I thought questionably. I turned back to the ocean and relaxed a little. Pretty soon, Bradley woke up. He sat up in alarm. His eyes were wide and he looked tense.
"Where the hell are we?" His voice cracked in alarm as he stood up.
"We're in Neverland," I said with a sigh escaping my lips. I thought about Peter Pan and how he completely swept me off my feet. I know that I shouldn't be falling for someone that I just met, but he seemed so nice and perfect.
"What's up with you?" Bradley asked with a curious look on his face.
"It's nothing," I said smiling and looking down.
"Okay." He said shrugging it off.
Shortly, Cole woke up hungry, as always. And we started looking for food, when I heard a familiar British accent.
"Are you hungry, love?" I turn around seeing Peter. I smile again and look at my brothers looking at us with questioning looks.
"Who the hell are you? And why did you call my sister love?" Cole asked with an annoyed look. Pan looked turned towards him saying, "The name's Pan. I'm guessing your Melody's older brother?"
"What's in it for you?" Bradley now said walking up.
"You guys calm down, he's just helping us settle in." I say giving them "the look" signaling to them that it's ok.
"Yes, why don't you follow me to my camp where we are able to eat some breakfast." Pan said raising an eyebrow.
"Fine." Bradley said with a glare.
"Grim Reaper." I heard Cole say as we started walking toward the camp. I heard the twins start to laugh and I looked back at them giving them an intense glare. They immediately stopped laughing and we kept walking until we got to the camp.

A Diamond in the Rough Part One// A Peter Pan Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now