Wishful Thinking

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It's been a few weeks since we first arrived to the island of Neverland. I miss Bradley like crazy. There's still no sign of Felix, and I wouldn't be surprised if Pan had already killed him. Cole, Riley, and I have been taking archery and knife throwing lessons from Pan and some of the lost boys. I've been trying so hard to get onto Pan's good side, but it's so flipping hard- if not impossible. I still haven't figured out what Pan's beloved item was that Felix took, but I'll figure out soon enough. I walked over to the fire that always managed to stay lit, and grabbed some food for me and Riley. Right as I started to turn, I crashed right into someone. The stuff in my arms flew out of my grasp as I fell to the ground.

"Hey, watch were you're going!" I say frustrated. I was about to pick up an apple when a hand stretched out in front of me and grabbed it. I look up and saw Pan.

"Oh, sorry love, were you going to eat that?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"As a matter of fact, yes I was going to eat that." I stammered. Instead of handing me back the apple, he held it up to his mouth, and took a gigantic bite out of it. "Did you not hear me say I was going to eat that?" I questioned. I stand up, "Now if you don't mind I would like my apple back, please." I said as I reached the apple, but before I could even get near it, Pan moved his hand away from mine. I tilt my head in confusion and tried again, again he moved it. I tried again and again, still he moved his hand away. I looked at his face, which was laughing under his own breathe as I tried again but failed. This continued so many times that we were practically dancing in circles, laughing for no particular reason. After a few more attempts of getting the apple, my back hit a tree and Pan walked towards me. He got so close that his lips were only millimeters away from mine. We looked into each other's eyes, with big smiles stretched across our faces. My heart was pounding twice as fast now that Pan was this close. Did I love Pan? Did I love Felix? I wasn't sure about any of it, but at the moment, Pan felt right. He started to lean in, as if he was going to kiss me, when a lost boy had come up behind us.

"Pan, Hook arrived. He said that he came to get what's his."

Pan's eyes got wide, he froze. Who's Hook? What's Hook getting? What is going on? Pan turned towards me and spoke up, "Melody, gather Riley and your brother and run. You cannot be seen, by Hook." I nod. I turn towards my tent, which is where they would most likely be. I didn't know what was going on, but I was deathly afraid. I wish Bradley was here to comfort me.

A Diamond in the Rough Part One// A Peter Pan Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now