The Game Plan

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Note: the picture above is a picture of Bradley and Cole 😆

I was barely able to sleep that night. I was so worried about Riley and what might have happened to her. I rolled out of bed and slowly walked down the lonely hall alone to the dinning hall to get breakfast. The food here at the orphanage was disgusting. The oatmeal they served tasted like dirt and the water there was stale tasting. But I guess it's better than having nothing. I got my tray full of food and found a spot next to Cole. "Hey sis," Bradley said, "How'd you sleep?"
"I didn't sleep." I stated.
"Why? Did the little baby have a nightmare?" Cole said teasingly.
"Not quite" I responded.
"Hey where's Riley?" Cole asked.
"Yeah, is she still asleep?" Bradley questioned.
"Um......." How should I tell them that my best friend got taken to an unknown land with some strange ghost thing and I was there to witness it all?
"She got taken by the shadow." I said lowering my voice.
Their eyes grew wide. Their faces looked shocked. "SHE WHAT?" They said at the exact same time in a loud whispering voice.
"Yeah, last night. We were planning on letting the shadow take us to Neverland and—"
"YOU WERE DOING WHAT!?!" They said a little louder.
"Melody, what they hell were you thinking? Do you know how much danger you could've been in? Heck, you could've been killed!" Bradley ranted.
"I know, it's just that Riley and I were so sick of being stuck in this orphanage. We wanted a change."
"But what if the shadow didn't actually take you to Neverland? What if the shadow was the Grim Reaper or something? " Cole questioned.
"The Grim Reaper. Really?" I said putting my hand to my face. Even Bradley gave him a weird look.
"Well, still you could've been killed!" Cole stammered.
"Wait, one question. How were you able to escape?" Bradley asked. At that moment, I told them everything. I especially emphasized how the shadow what seemed to be frightened by the fire.
"Well how are we going to get her back?" Cole asked.
"What?" I asked with a mouthful of cold oatmeal.
"You know, what's the game plan?"
I guess I never really thought of a plan to get Riley back. "We could always tried to hitch a ride from the shadow?" I asked quizzically.
"No, no, no. We're going to need to go in deeper. You never want to go sneak in somewhere without having an exit plan." Cole said. For the rest of the day we tried to coordinate a plan to get Riley and how to escape.
"So tonight we put our plan into action." Said Cole.
"We need a code name," said Bradley.
"Why?" Cole and I asked at the same time.
"Well, we can't just walk around the orphanage saying that we're hitching a ride from the shadow."
"Ok then our 'code name' can be operation cobra." I said. And the plan was set.

A Diamond in the Rough Part One// A Peter Pan Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now