The Lost Boy

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Our search for Henry started early the next morning. By mid- afternoon we decided to split up into groups, just to make the search go a little faster. My group was Regina, Snow, and David, and since they were bickering so much I blocked them out. After awhile, I started to fall behind the group, noticing a dark figure floating above the ground. It was the shadow! "Run!" I yelled. The three of them looked back at me, "What?" Asked Snow. "Pan's shadow! Run!" I bolted into the forest. They followed closely behind. It swooped down in front of us, causing us to skid to a stop. At the same time, we all turn and run the other direction. I pushed through to the front of the pack and pushed myself to run even faster. Suddenly, it got quiet. Too quiet. I slowed down and looked behind me, but no one was there. "Snow!" I yelled, "David?!" "Regina?!" Dead silent. I felt something touch my back. The shadow. I bolted back the same direction I came from. Hoping that I would run into the group again. I looked to see if the shadow was still behind me, but then, I tripped over a log, twisting my ankle. I sat up scared to once again look into the dark figure's eyes. It smirked; knowing it had won. It picked me up and carried me to Pan's camp site. It dropped me on the floor at the camp. Black combat boots walked up to me. I was terrified to look up. I knew who it was.

"Hello, Melody." He said warmly. My heart skipped several beats. He crouched down to my level. I looked into his dark eyes. Something was different, almost as if there was a little light in his eyes. He carefully placed his hand on my ankle, and suddenly the pain disappeared. He slowly moved his hand off my ankle.


A Diamond in the Rough Part One// A Peter Pan Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now