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I walk back into the tent. I can't believe Felix-out of all people- would give me something like that. I can't believe that he would like me! Riley looks up from whatever she was doing, "What's wrong with you?" She asks making a face.

"It was Felix. He was the one who slid the picture under the door." I say with a tone. I didn't know Felix well, but I've been watching him. He's a total ass. He treats others with disrespect, he's mean to others, and hurts people- physically and mentally.

"Well maybe it isn't such a bad thing that Felix likes you," Riley says shyly. "Maybe we can use it as a way to get on Pan's good side. I mean, Felix is Pan's right hand man." She says with more confidence.

I look up from the ground, "Does that mean I have to pretend to like him back?" I say disgustingly. Riley nods her head slowly. I moan. Felix was the last person I would ever, in a million years, would want to date; but I'll do anything to avenge Bradley. "Fine, I'll do it. Just please don't tell Cole." I plead. Riley nods and I walk out of the tent once more. I find Felix in the same spot as I left him, I walk over to him. He slightly looks up. I sit down between him and Pan. I have no clue want I'm going to say to Felix to make it sound like I truly like him back. Just the thought of having to pretend to like Felix sends chills down my back. I shiver.

"Do you want my cloak?" Felix asks kindly.

I nearly barf before I respond by nodding. He takes it off his cloak that was covering his dirty, ripped shirt. He gently raps it around my shoulders. I quickly look over at Pan, who's eyes were watching Felix's every move. I focus my attention towards Felix, "Thank you," I say getting more and more uncomfortable.

After a few minutes of sitting there in awkward silence Felix speaks up, "How about tomorrow night we hang out. Just the two of us, together?"

I puke a little in my throat, "S-sure," I stutter. This day just keeps getting better and better. Felix stands up to leave, I start to take his cloak off when he stops me.

"You can keep it for now," Felix says. He smiles at me and walks off. I fix the cloak around my shoulders and a small smile works its way on my face. Maybe Felix isn't as bad as I thought. I look over at Pan, who had a stern look on his face. I didn't know what that look was about, but I was kind of excited for tomorrow night with Felix.

A Diamond in the Rough Part One// A Peter Pan Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now