Why We're Here

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Minutes gone by since Pan got knocked out. I called out again, crying, hoping someone would hear me. I heard rustling from the bushes. I turned my head slowly. Cole and some of the others jumped out. I couldn't make out a few of them because of the hot tears that were stuck in my eyes. "Melody?" Cole looked at me with concerning eyes. I heard Regina ask what happened, and I quickly told them everything. For a moment, they argued wether taking him back to the camp to help him was a smart idea.

I spoke up, "Please, we have to take him back to the camp! We have to save him!"

"Why would we do that?" Regina spatted.

"Because we would do the same for you!" I screamed tears falling out. They were hesitant, but they picked him up and carefully carried him back to the camp. I walked back with Snow. She comforted me until I was able to get a hold of myself. Most of the way back was quiet between the two of us.

"Do you love him?" Snow ask. I got scared that she knew that I liked Pan, so I played dumb.


"Henry." I felt guilty. I did have feelings for Henry, but it was the same way I felt about about Cole. I loved him as a brother. Snow looked at me, waiting for my answer. I slowly shook my head.

"I do love him, but as a brother." I said quietly.

"Do you love Pan?" She asked. How does she figure this stuff out?

I dodged the question, "Why do you ask?"

"Well, I saw the way you looked at him. I saw the worry in your eyes when you saw him lying there." She said softly.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, "You can't tell anyone. Not even my father. He'll freak if he ever found out."

She nodded, "I won't tell." We entered the camp. Cole and Regina walked out of Cole's tent, I ran up to them.

"Where is he?" He pointed back to his tent. I started walking up to the when Regina stopped me.

"Be careful, Melody. He's in a delicate state and we don't know what you're capable of." I nodded and continued to the tent. I carefully walked in. He was still knocked out. Luckily, he was breathing. I looked down at my hands and back up at Pan. What if I hurt someone else? What if I accidentally kill someone next time? Thoughts swirled around my head.

"He's going to be okay," I turned around to see Cole. I gave him a weak smile. "You shouldn't feel bad, it was an accident."

"I know, but I could've killed him." I said turning back to Peter.

"But you didn't. And it wasn't totally you're fault. He threw a spell at you."

"But, Cole, I don't even know what I did! I somehow protected myself with magic!" I said in a hushed yell.

"Melody, everything will be okay. We will figure this out." He came me a tight hug. I smiled. "I think dinner I ready. You coming?"

I shook my head, "I'm going to stay here a little." Cole nodded and walked out. I looked around Cole's tent. It looked like he had a little too much fun with the imagination thing. I pulled up a chair next to Pan's bed and just sat there. I would do a magic spell, but like Regina said, we didn't know what I was capable of doing. So I just sat there, looking at him. Please wake up. I want to know you're okay. And just like that, Pan woke up gasping for air. I stood up. "PAN! YOU'RE OKAY!" I beamed.

He gave me a death glare and held out his hand, "Back up, girl." Startled, I took a step back.

"Pan, it's okay. I won't hurt you."

"And how do I know that?" He snapped.

"Because I got help." For a second he looked unsure.

"You got help for me?" I nodded. "Why would you do that when I've been nothing but mean to you? I killed your brother?" The last sentence stung a little.

"Because I need you alive as much as you need me alive." I smirked.

"Oh really?" He laughed under his breathe. There was a moment of silence between us.

"So, why did you bring my and Henry here?" I asked.

A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been super busy with doing two different swim teams, golf, and summer school! I'll try to update tomorrow and hopefully the day after. I might be writing a sequel to this book and a completely new series! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to follow me on Wattpad!

A Diamond in the Rough Part One// A Peter Pan Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now