Aboard the Ship

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Melody's POV
I just need to reach a little higher.......almost there... I thought as I used a sharp piece of glass I got from a mirror that I broke. Got it! The ropes dropped to the ground. Now if only I could find away off the ship without anyone noticing. I stood up, and walked to the door. I propped the door open, just enough so I could see out of it. No one was out in the wooden hallway. I opened the door all the way and stepped out. Maybe if I could get up stairs, I could jump off the boat? I tiptoed to the stairs. I tried walking up the stairs without making to much noise, which was really hard to to do since the stairs were really creaky. I opened the door at the end of the staircase. Bright sunlight beamed in my face. I squinted. To my surprise, we weren't sailing. We were docked at a small town. I walked to the railing and looked down. It wasn't too long of a jump, but still my stomach twisted and turned. "Are you her?" A voice behind me asked. I jumped. Quickly turning around seeing a guy about my age with brunette hair, big brown eyes, and was a little taller than me.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you the one they've been looking for?" I gave him a questioning look. "I'm Henry, the Savior's son" (I'm making Henry older for my book)

"The who?" I asked.

"The Savior, Emma Swan?"

This guy is becoming really annoying with his vagueness. I thought.

"I'm Melody," I said holding out my hand. He grabbed my hand and shook it. Bolts of energy ran up my arm. Suddenly, I had the urge to smile, and I was happy. Did I like Henry? Is it even possible to like some one I just met? I had no explanation to the questions that went through my head. I looked into his eyes, and a smile worked its way on my face. He smiled back. This was weird, I hardly ever smiled. And for a moment, I think we both forgot that we were still shaking hands. I stopped shaking his hand and let go.

"So are you who Hook says you are?" He asked. I almost didn't hear him because I was staring into his eyes.

"Who does he say I am?" Right before he could even think about answering, I realized I forgot about Riley. "Riley!" I nearly screamed. I ran back down to the hallway where my room was hidden. I found another door, pushed it open. There sitting in a chair, hands tied behind her back, and a sock in her mouth, was Riley. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she was me. I walked over to her, her head moved to the side as if she was looking at something behind me. I turned to see Henry standing behind me, standing in the doorway. I looked back at Riley, she half smiled and raised an eyebrow. I smiled back at Riley. I knew exactly what she was thinking, a cute guy followed you down here, do you like him? I laughed underneath my breathe, nodded, and took the sock out of her mouth and untied the ropes. She immediately stood up, "Thank God I got untied! I was starting to think you forgot about me." She smiled.

"How could I ever forget my best friend?" I said smirking.

"You must be pretty happy about finding your parent." Riley smiled. My what?

"Riley what are you talking about? My parents are dead, you know that." I said, loosing my smirk.

Then Henry butted in, "Only one of them died. Hook is your father." WHAT?!??! I have a father?!?!?!? My eyes started watering. All this time, I've had a father.

"Mel, you okay?" Riley said softly. I turned and cried into her shoulder, she wrapped her arms around me tightly. I was mainly happy, but I couldn't believe that my father gave me up. And for what? A ride around on his ship? All the sudden, I felt another arm wrap around me. Then I felt something slip into my pant pocket.

Henry, softly whispering into my ear said, "I'm only one call away."

A Diamond in the Rough Part One// A Peter Pan Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now