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"Everybody, hold on!" Emma yelled as Hook threw a magic bean into the water, which opened up a portal. I grabbed on tightly to a railing, Riley grabbed on tightly next to me. Within a matter of seconds, we got sucked in, and teleported into Neverland's sea. Along the horizon, I could see Neverland. I nervously bit my lip, and fiddled with the necklace that I had since I was a newborn.

"That was your mother's necklace," Hook said trudging over to me. I gave a slight smile and turned back toward the ocean. "So, Melody, when did you start having feelings for Pan?" Hook asked trying to make small talk. How do I tell him that I figured out I liked him when I was kissing his girlfriend's son?

"A few days ago." I replied. I looked back up at him, then down at his hook.

"But, didn't you kiss Henry a few days ago?" Hook asked. Shit how'd he know?

"How'd you know?" I questioned.

"He told me the morning after it happened," he replied.

"Do the others know?" I asked.

"I don't think so, love, but I would be careful about what you say. Especially, that you love Pan." I nodded. I looked back to the ocean, and heard his heavy footsteps walk away. Hopefully, he doesn't tell the others that I like Pan. Then, I remembered, what if Cole found out? He'll think that I've gone insane! I reached back up to my necklace.

Riley walked up to me, "You're nervous."

"Nervous? I'm not nervous," I protested.

Riley rolled her eyes, "You only fiddle with that if you're nervous." She wasn't wrong. I was scared out of my mind. What if Pan kills Henry? What if Pan finds my brother and keeps him captive? What if Pan finds me and kills me for leaving the island? Would I be able to forgive him in the later life? I felt sick. What would happen to Riley? I couldn't let him kill Riley, she like a sister to me! Riley pulled me into a big hug, distracting me from going in total lockdown mode. "It's okay, Melody, nothing will happen to us."

I smiled. Two things were for sure: Riley will always be there for me, and that I was exhausted. I haven't gotten much sleep the past few days, and I was kinda delusional. "Brace yourselves!" Hook yelled from the wheel. And with a jerk, we crashed onto land. We got off the boat and started walking around.

"We're going to need to set up camp here," Emma said.

"No, we need to find Henry." Stammered some other lady. I think Henry told me she was the Evil Queen, or something.

Hook stepped in, "No, Emma's right, love. We need to get all the rest we can get." The queen stood there with an angered look, then nodded in agreement. While everyone set up camp, I took a small walk in the forest. I started think of Pan. Then I started thinking of Henry. Then, I started thinking of Pan and Henry. I made a pro and con list for both of them. Suddenly, I heard something rustling in the bushes. I turn and look at the bush to see nothing there. I kept walking, again it happened. I started picking up the pace towards camp. Next, I heard a twig snap. I ran. I saw the opening to the camp and bolted through. When I entered, everyone looked at me.

"Something *wheeze* is in *wheeze* the woods." I said almost dying from exhaustion. They all pulled out there weapons and some even pulled up magic fireballs. Silence grew intensely as we waited. Out of the forest came my brother, Cole, with wide eyes.

"COLE!!" Riley and I both screamed. We ran up and hugged him. Everybody lowered their weapons and relaxed. Killian started walking up to us with wet eyes. "Um, Cole, this is our father, Killian Hook." Cole stood silently with tear pouring out from his eyes. They hugged. "Wait, Cole, how'd you find us?" I asked.

"I heard voices coming from the beach, and I saw you walking in the forest." I blushed. I ran away from my own brother. We all finished setting up camp, ate dinner, and went to sleep waiting for the adventures that tomorrow brought.

A Diamond in the Rough Part One// A Peter Pan Fanfic (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin