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A week has gone by since Spencer's threat. He hasn't talk much to me luckily. But I think he told Pan he got sick of me because of my "attitude". So I've gotten a new guard that is with me almost 24/7, his name is Michael. Pan gave me my tent back from my first visit, but I haven't been able to sleep. Most nights, after everyone's asleep not including the guards or my chaperone, I walk out to a field, that not many know about. I walk there a lot with Michael, who doesn't talk much, but when he does, we have so much fun. We tend to sit and stargaze, and occasionally talk about life. Pan walked up to me, pulling me out of my thoughts, "Is everything alright, Melody?" I turned away. "Not talking are we?" He questioned sitting next to me. "I know about Spencer's threat."

My eyes widened, "H-how?" I stammered.

"Love, I know everything," He said quietly. " I have eyes and ears everywhere." It went quiet for a couple minutes before Pan spoke again, "Can I trust you?" I nodded. "I'm going to show you where Henry is."

As a reaction, I hugged Pan tightly, "Thank you!" I exclaimed. I felt hesitant hands wrap around me. Then, I realized I was hugging Pan. I pulled away slowly to see his reaction. I thought he was going to be mad, but to my surprise, he was looking into my eyes. Again, I noticed the change in him. I snapped out of it, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I see that your heart lies with Henry." He said even quieter.

"What do you mean? I asked.

"Every so often I visit with Henry, every time your name is brought up he smiles. And every time Henry's name comes up, you always look up to see who said it."

"I do not!" I smiled. Pan laughed.

"I can tell your heart lies with him." Pan said smiling. I looked away. What if I don't know where my heart lies? I thought. Yes I still had feelings for Pan, but I have something with Henry. Pan stood up and offered his hand to help me up. I grabbed it and stood. We didn't let go right away, but we did eventually. I didn't want to because I kinda liked the way my hand fit in his. But it's not like it mattered, because I was somehow going to break Henry out of here. We started walking down a path that I wasn't too familiar with. After a few minutes, I started to wonder why was I prisoner at Pan's campsite? More importantly, why was Pan showing me where Henry was?

I spoke up, "Why am I here?"

Pan glared back at me, "You really think I would tell you?"

"Why not? Everyone else seems to want me for one reason or another."

"Examples?" Pan stopped in the middle of the trail.

"Well, you want me for whatever reason. My dad is over-protective of me, and for some reason Spencer took interest in me." I shot back.

Pan rolled his eyes and started walking again, "Part of why I want you here is because of a revenge plan."

"What's the other part?" I asked moving up next to him. He went quiet for a second.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He smirks.

"That's why I'm asking. Because I want to know," I said. Pan walks faster. "Do you know something that I don't?" Pan didn't say anything. I ran up in front of him to make him stop walking, "What do you know?"

"It's nothing, Melody. Really." He pushed past me.

"Then what is it? Why am I here?" I yelled.

"I don't want to talk about it now." Pan kept walking.

"Tell me. Why does everyone want me?!" Without warning, Pan shot a spell at me. As a reaction I closed my eyes and put my hands in front of me. It went silent. I slowly opened my eyes. Magic leaked out of my hands. Somehow, I managed to create a forcefield from my hands, protecting me from Pan's spell. I looked down at my hands, gripping them in fists, stopping the forcefield. I looked up at Pan, who was on the ground. "PAN!" I screamed. I ran over to him, hoping he was okay. I knelt down next to him, too scared to touch him. "Pan, don't leave me! Please!" I started screaming for help hoping someone would hear me. Nothing. No one was there. How? How can I have magic? Who am I?

A Diamond in the Rough Part One// A Peter Pan Fanfic (Completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat