"No he is dating Taylor and That would be just weird if we started as he is going out with my sister!"Lottie said disgusted.

She so likes him and is telling herself more than us that she doesn't like him.

"So where did you go?" Shannon asked.

"out or breakfast," Lottie mumbled.

"Ooh a breakfast date how nice!" Shannon said staring into space.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" Lottie asked.

"What did you say?" asked Shannon.

"Nothing but remember do not tell anybody about me going out to breakfast with Harry!" Lottie said sternly.

"Yes Sir!" we both saluted and Lottie gave us a look, "Sorry we meant Madam!"

"Good now come on we have sight seeing to do before the concert tonight! Did you hear that OIly Murs is going to be one direction's support act??" Lottie shouted going back to her normal self.

"Yeah I am setting him up with Shannon as we all technically have boyfriends!" I squealed.

"How many times do I have to tell you I do not want to be set up with Olly!" Shannon said but I chose to ignore it as did Lottie.

"That's a great idea and what do you mean we all have boyfriends?" Lottie demanded.

"Well you see I have Louis, Lorna has Niall, Perrie has Zayn, Jessie has Liam and you have Harry!" I said smiling at her.

"I do not have Harry I don't even like Harry!" Lottie shouted.

"That's why you went to breakfast with him!" I said which made her fall silent.

"Let's go!" Shannon shouted walking out our room across to the boys where Lorna and Jessie should be.

"Sorry we are late just had to talk about a few things!" Shannon said sitting down. I sat down too feeling like I was about to burst as I wanted to tell the boys the thing about Lottie and Harry so bad! I hate keeping secrets as their so hard to keep.

"We decided we would split up in pairs to go round the city as all of us going round together would collect too much attention. Hopefully with our heads low we can go through the day without any fan chases or paparazzi!" Liam announced.

"I want to choose the pairs!" Lottie shouted.

"Just so you can put yourself with Harry!" I laughed and she gave me a death stare.

"Harry will be going with Taylor, Lorna with Niall, Jessie with Liam, Eleanor with Louis, Zayn with Perrie and Shannon and me!" Lottie said.

"Ok everyone ok?" liam asked.

"Everyone got Paul or Another body guards number invade something happens?" Liam asked.

"Yes," we all replied.

"Liam relax everything will be fine!" Louis reassured him.

"Well Perrie will be here any minute!" Zayn said a smile growing on his face and he started fidgeting with his fingers and keeping glancing at his watch. I could tell he truly loved her and they were going to be married in a year or two.

There was a knock on the door and Zayn ran to it jumping over the sofa and swinging open the f Door to find a beaming Perrie her smile etching from ear to eat. They shared a passionate kiss and a hug before letting each other go and is girls went running squealing and knocking her in a hug. We all fell in a laughing heap.

"hey you never do that to me when you see me!" Louis whined to me.

I just rolled my eyes and Louis huffed.

My Sister, Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now