George looked at me, "How can you be, be doing that at a time like this?"

"Wut do goo mern?" I asked.

"We could get fired!" George said.

"Fired shmired," I shrugged, "George you need to relax we'll be fine."

Half an hour had passed and I had finished half the bowl, and I have to admit it was a horrible idea, do NOT attempt to eat three boxes of mashed potatoes unless you wanna feel like mashed potatoes. That old saying you are what you eat, well I'm feeling that right now.

"Guys, this was a horrible choice," I said, laying on the floor.

"I'm never eating mashed potatoes again," I groaned.

"Not one of your smartest decisions, but again you're not notorious for smart decisions," Izzie said, raising her eyebrows, and paging through her magazine.

"I bet you beat the record for making the most worst decisions in one night too," George said, angrily.

I gave George a look, and flung mashed potatoes in his face.

"Seriously," George said, the potatoes slowly slipping off his face.

I laughed, "So what were you saying about me?"

"Nothing," George said, getting up to clean up the potatoes.

"Hey while you're up can you get me a soda?" Izzie asked.

George groaned.

"Thank you," she said as George grabbed one outta the fridge.

"What's taking Mer so long, do you think she's getting McSexy with McDreamy?" I asked, laying on the floor, trying to forget about the mashed potatoes.

George came back into the room with a clean face and a soda, which he threw to Izzie. 

I heard the door creak open and saw Meredith walk in, "Hey you're back," I said sitting up, which I soon realized was a bad Idea, I quickly laid back down, "Where's dreamy boy?"

Meredith was silent.

"Are you okay Mer?" Izzie asked, looking up from her magazine to talk to her.

"Derek's married."


"So this whole entire time," I paused, "He's been married?"

Izzie and I sat on the bar stools at the island in the kitchen, while Meredith stood on the other side.

"Let me get this straight, Derek's wife," she paused, "Slept with Derek's best friend, and he walked in on them, and then ran away to Seattle?"

"Exactly," Meredith said, rubbing her temples.

"Aw Mer, I'm sorry," I frowned, "You know if would make you feel better we could mash potato-" 

"No," Meredith cut me off, sternly.

"Okay, okay. No more mashed potatoing," I frowned, and let my head fall into my palms. I blew at the stray piece of hair in my face, trying to get it out of my eyes.

Meredith sighed. 

"I'm really sorry Mer but I gotta get home, I should've been home an hour ago. If you need anything," I stopped and gave her a sympathetic face.

'Yeah," she responded quietly.

"Bye," I said grabbing my stuff, then heading out the door.


"Hey grandma, I'm so sorry I'm late, I got held up," I said closing the door and setting my stuff on the table.

"It's fine honey," she smiled at me.

"What are you doing up so late?" I asked, walking into the living room.

"I don't know, just couldn't sleep, thinking about a lot," she paused, "your mom called."

"Oh what'd she have to say?" 

"She wanted to talk to you, she misses you."

"Grandma, I'm not talking to her, she just wants to, wants to start something with me." 

"Brand, she just wants to talk with you, it's been a long time."

"I'm sorry. Hey do you need me to pick up another prescription tomorrow?" I asked, changing the subject.

"No, that one should last me until Thursday," she said.

"It's empty grandma, are you taking the right amounts?" I asked, starting to get worried. 

"Yes, yes. They probably messed it up at the pharmacy it's happened before. Julie always gives me and your grandpa our meds."

"Julie does," I said, getting suspicious.

"Honey, it's just a screw up at the pharmacy, Julie didn't do anything," she reassured me.

"Okay, well I'm going to bed, night," I said, kissing her head, "Love you."

"Love you. Call your mom. Please."

I sighed and walked down the hall to my room. I pulled out my phone and paged through my phone. I stopped on my mom's contact. My finger hovered over the call button, I didn't know what to do. 

'It's late, I don't wanna bother her, I mean why should I care if I bother her.' 

Slowly I clicked on the call button, I held the phone up to my ear, my heart felt like it was going to burst.

"Hello, Brandy?" My mom asked, sounding excited.

"Hi," I paused, "Sarah."



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To be honest McPuppy is better than McDreamy in my opinion. 

For A Reason {Mark Sloan} - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now