Chapter 24: The Battle Begins

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It was only the first hour, and we were already down twenty two people. Epsilon was right; we need something more.

But what?

Annabeth's POV

I fought viciously alongside some of my family.

My brothers Malcolm and Sam as well as my sister, Jamie. Together, the four of us faced of against six empousai.

'Six against four,' Jamie muttered. 'That's hardly fair.'

I chuckled, 'But we're the children of Athena. We still have the upper hand.'

The six empousai lunged in sync; two went for me, two at Malcolm, and one each at Sam and Jamie.

I grinned. I was experienced. I could fight off two at once. I wasn't sure how Malcolm would do, but I would have to worry about that later.

I ducked under the first empousa's strike, and caught the other's blade on the hilt of my dagger.

Drawing back, I did a half flip over their heads I landed behind them in a kneeling position. I slashed at one's legs as the other turned and stabbed at me.

I winced as her sword grazed my shoulder where my armour didn't cover.

Gritting my teeth, I grabbed the back of her head, and slammed it into the hilt of her own sword.The empousa past out cold.

Unfortunately, its sister wasn't finished with me.

She advanced slowly, limping on her miss matched feet, hair sparking and crackling like a whip.

She lunged and jabbed at my side, but I swerved out of the way.

Caught with a sudden idea, I smirked and grabbed her wrist. Throwing all my weight down, I judo flipped her over my shoulder where she landed next to her sisters.

Wasting no time, I spun around and stabbed my dagger hard. The empousa went limp. I did the same to the one I'd knocked out and watched as the disintegrated to ash, making it so much easier for the clean up crew.

Racing back to my siblings, I saw Jamie and Sam facing off against their empousai. They weren't strong fighters, but they were doing well.

It was Malcolm I was worried about.

He had bested one of his opponents, but evidently not before I landed a good blow on his leg. He limped around, trying to get in a good angle to fight off the last empousa.

She lunged first. Malcolm caught her strike on his blade and pushed her back, wobbling on his bad leg. Strain was clearly visible in his face.

I switched paths, heading towards Malcolm instead of Jamie and Sam.

'Malcolm!' I yelled. Be careful!'

I should've known better than to call out.

Malcolm whipped his head around, and in that moment, I could see everything he felt; pride, fear, love, pain.

And courage.

In the split second Malcolm was distracted, the empousa hissed in triumph. She whirled forward and stabbed so brutally, her sword cut right through his bronze breastplate, her sword tip protruding out his back

I think I screamed. It was hard to tell with the blood pounding in my ears.

Malcolm doubled over, coughing blood. With shaking hands, he pulled the swords from his chest, and he straightened with obvious effort.

I could only watch in awful horror as Malcolm continued to attack with one hand, the other covering the gash on his chest.

With a roar of anger, he sliced his sword straight through the empousa and she vaporized.

Epsilon and his Army of Chaos (Watty's 2013) [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt