Chapter 14: Plans of Fate

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I'm so sorry it took so long to update! This is a bit of a short chapter. I do have a life outside wattpad people! (I wish!)

I also wanted to say thanks to all those who responded to my question last chapter. For those who didn't read it, the question was, "If you were a demigod, who would be you're parent, and would you be Greek or Roman?" Thanks to all the responses!

This chapter is dedicated to greek_freak1 for her comment, "I'd be a daughter of Nyx, the goddess of night. And OMGS!!! I cried at the end of this chapter! Stupid Percy and his brave acts!!! :.(. PLEASE UPDATE BEFORE I CRY MY EYES OUT FROM HAVING TO REREAD THIS CHAPTER AGAIN STILL WAITING FOR NEXT ONE!!!!!" Thanks greek_freak1!

So, this is chapter 14. I hope that the chapter name sounds mysterious, I thought heaps about it ...

Chapter 14: Plans of Fate - Luke's POV

Four days later and we still  had no plan.

I was starting to get panicky. Thank the gods Clarisse was there. I don't think I could've handled it without her, constantly supporting me and threatening to beat me to a pulp ever few minutes.

Some things never change.

At least we knew where Percy and the others were being kept ... sort of. We knew that they were at Destruction's fortress. Super! Now we just had figure out where that was.

Ever night, I had dreams.

And every dream was the same. I saw Percy, Leo, Bianca, Annabeth, Frank and Piper in a cell. They would all go to sleep, except Percy. He would pretend, and then, when he was sure everyone else was soundly sleeping, he would get up and roam around. I was sure that he was scared of nightmares.

I felt sure that this was Chaos' way of telling me what was going on. He couldn't communicate, so he was sending me dream messages.

The campers and Chaos warriors met every day to discuss anything new. But there wasn't anything.

We'd employed the help of the gods, who weren't eager to let their children dwell in their enemies prison, being tortured.

But even with our supernatural parents, we couldn't find them.

Until they came.

We were walking out of the Big House after our meeting on the fourth day. Looking around, there was not a single cheery face, all were depressed and glum. We'd found nothing.

But as we came out into the early afternoon light, we saw that we had visitors.

Three old ladies sat, knitting. I felt everyone around me shiver and I did the same.

The fates.

They looked up calmly as we approached. I could see that they were knitting a pair of giant socks.

Do they always knit socks? I thought to myself, remembering how Percy told me of his first encounter with the fates.

But what really scared me, was that the colour of the yarn they were using to knit the socks was a deep sea green.

The exact colour of Percy's eyes.

I swallowed and I ran forward. I paled as one of them raised scissors to cut a line of string.

'No!' I yelled, 'Please, don't cut the string. I beg you.'

The fates looked at me quizzically.

'Please,' I said again, 'Let him live. He has done nothing to you. Please don't kill him.'

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