Emily's diary part 1

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Thursday 7th December 2011

Dear Diary,

Today has been pure hell.

Weighed myself for the third time today, only lost one pound since this morning. I have my doctors appointment tomorrow, she said if i haven't gained six pounds she'll referrer me to a shrink! I can't go to a shrink, i'm at University! My education is gunna be over...great. 

Thanks anorexia, what other prt of my life do you want to ruin?

1) My family don 't act the same around me anymore, they can never have a normal conversation with me, they're scared of me, they barely even recognise me

2) My boyfriend is starting to loose interest. I though he would love my slimmer figure, but now he tells me he loved me with some curves...pfft curves, fat more like!

3) I got fired from my old part time job, my boss was worried about me and said I was "unfit" for work

4) My friends, I have lost all of my friends. They don't know what I have become. It's almost like I've become so paper thin, they don' notice me, they've forgotten me, they don't want to know me anymore

Thanks Ana, thanks a bunch.

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