Try to understand

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Starting to make sense now? If you haven't guessed already, she's anorexic. What do you think when you hear that word? A stupid girl starving herself to death who doesn't realise you need food to live? Or perhaps a disgustingly boney girl destroying themselves over something so pointless? Why can't she just eat something and move on? Well, it's not that simple. Try to understand the world through her eyes. Food isn't a necessity, eating isn't a choice. Food is a poison and you MUST stay pure. The feeling of food in your stomach is enough to make you sick. Constantly exercising to rid your body of these impurities. Only then will you be beautiful, perfect, successful, and like your reflection. It will all be worth it when you see that one number you have dreamt about appear on the scales.

But, what would happen if you were to indulge in a forrbidden food? This worst possible thing.... You will become FAT, ugly, worthless, friendless, useless. If you allow yourself to eat you will loose control and never be able to greedy pig!

Besides what would you prefere, the piece of cake you've been wanting for an hour, or the body you've wanted for years?

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