Daddy Issues 7 // s.w

Start from the beginning

"We told Cooper earlier and he just stared at us for a few seconds, shrugged his shoulders and went back to playing. I don't think he really understood what we were saying, bless his heart!"

Sam and I thought that it would be nice to tell our youngest that he would no longer be the youngest sibling. He doesn't understand yet, he's still so young and all, he'll understand when he doesn't get any sleep at night.

"He's so cute, I love him." Amy gazes over at our kids lovingly. "Is Sam happy about it?"

"It was his idea, he said he wanted to try again, just for one more – for now."

"You actually think about more?"

"Well, yeah..."

"This is your 5th, Y/N, you actually want a 6th?" I just shrug. "You really are crazy, Y/N, I've only had 3 and I'm done. No more. That part of my life is over with now."

"It's not like you keep your legs closed though."

"Oh shut up, I can't help but want to make love to my husband."

And that husband would be Kenny Holland.

Sam and I thought they would make a good couple so we set them up on a blind date (they had met a few times before but not enough to be considered 'friends') and they absolutely loved it. That was just after I had Shay, so 16, nearly 17 years ago, and they've been together since – married for 12 years.

They mentioned us in their wedding speech and in their vows, it was the cutest thing ever.

"I could see us having another one, maybe in a few years." Amy shrugs. "I know Kenny wants a boy, so I'm sure he'd want to try for one." Kenny loves having three girls, he grew up as the only boy with 5 sisters so he knows how to look after girls, but he's always wanted a little boy that he can play sports with, especially because his girls are all girly girls, and teach how to shave. "It would be nice to have a boy in the mix."

I nod. "We have two of each so we're lucky I guess." Two girls so close in age is not lucky, though. The amount of arguments I have to break up per week is more than both Sam and I can count on both fingers and toes.

Amy pulls out a box of snacks from her baby bag and hands two teddy bear shaped biscuits to Malia to share with Cooper. "How are you going to tell everyone?"

"I've got no clue yet, I don't even know how they're going to react so it's going to be a tough one. I mean, we said that Cooper would be the last..."

I also said that Shay would be my first and my last kid and I ended up pushing another 3 out of me and another one on the way. Apparently no one was surprised that I didn't stick to my word – I have the tendency to get baby fever every time I see a baby in the street or on the TV. It has been my worst habit ever since I had Shay.

Somehow, I managed to restrain myself from having kid after to kid.


"Maisy, Saskia! Dinner's ready!"

"Is it actually ready and dished up or has it just gone in the oven?"

"I wouldn't call you if it wasn't!"

"That's what nana does sometimes." Maisy claims as she sits in her usual seat at the table. "She makes us sit at the table and talk to her whilst she's cooking."

"You're lucky if she even lets you in the kitchen when she's cooking," Sam laughs and places a small bowl of food on Coopers tray and sits down next to him. "When I was growing up, she would threaten to throw a hot spoon at us if we went in to even get a drink when she was cooking."

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