Daddy Issues 3 // s.w

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I can also find out how far along Y/N is exactly and give a definite due date," Isn't it just 9 months after the date you had sex? Isn't it pretty damn easy to work out yourself? "And how developed the baby is, and then I can give an estimate of when the gender can be viewed."

"How many weeks does it take normally?"

"It depends on the condition of the pregnancy, whether or not the mother has been in good health so the baby can develop at a good speed, but it's regularly around 5 months, sometimes earlier."

"Y/N only just found out, so is there a possibility that the baby could be developing slower than normal?"

I never expected Amy to be this chatty with the maternal nurse. I've barely said three words to the woman and here is my best friend, asking every question she can think of about me and the baby...

"Again, that depends on the lifestyle of the mother. If she were to smoke and drink alcohol, yes, the development would have slowed down because the baby will have received harmful toxins that will threaten its life." The nurse shakes the small pot of the infamous gel in her hands and squirts a small line on the bottom of my stomach. "But if she lives a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and a balanced diet, then the development should be regular and normal."

This is all just too much right now, my head is spinning with new information and I just want to get this over and done with. I'm starting to mentally freak out and I just need them to shut up.

"Do you mind if we just get this moving along please?" I mumble, taking a glance up at the nurse and fumbling around with my fingers.

"Of course, sorry about that!" Olivia grins, once again flashing off her extremely straight and bright white teeth which make me extremely jealous.

Amy goes silent in her chair and boredly looks around the room, just like I had been doing during her 'little' conversation. She winces at the sight of an abortion information poster and shakes her head.

It is a little bit gory.

"Let's start with the ultrasound and listen to your baby's heartbeat." Olivia picks up one of the many confusing tools connected to the monitor and presses it against the bottom of my belly. After a few seconds, a fast, train-like sound fills the room. "That's the heartbeat."

"Is it supposed to be that fast?"

She tilts her head, sighing a little, "It's a little faster than it should be, that could be caused by stress or an unbalanced diet."

"It's probably Sam." Amy accuses, I look over at her just as she rolls her eyes. I roll mine back at her for her fast judgement.

"That's about, one hundred seventy eight beats a minute." Olivia takes the ultrasound tool away from my stomach and writes down the findings in my file.

"What can I do to slow it down?" Can I slow it down myself? It's not my heartbeat, it's the entirely new person in my body's heartbeat. "I mean, if it's possible for me to do."

"Try doing some relaxation techniques like some mild yoga or meditation, if you find yourself in a stressful situation, try to get out of it because it just is it not good for you or your baby, and improve your diet because whatever you eat, your baby eats."

Oh my God, my baby is going to come out fat.

"Should I set up an appointment with a nutritionist or do it myself?"

Olivia just shrugs her shoulders and picks up the bottle of jelly again. "A nutritionist would definitely be a great help but it isn't necessary." She squeezes some around my belly in a circle. "Do you mind if I ask you some questions about the pregnancy?"

"Not at all." She's going to ask about the father of the baby. The father who didn't bother to show up after he told me he would. He's still a flake.

"Do you know who the father is?"

I nod, "Yes, he's my ex boyfriend."

"Is he involved?"

He clearly doesn't want to be. "He knows, I told him and his family, he said he was coming today but I guess he got a better offer."

"Y/N, he's a dick, he always has been, he probably flew out to LA to avoid coming today."

"He's multi-coastal?" Olivia asks, writing down whatever answers I was giving her in the damn file.

"Yeah," I sigh, pursing my lips awkwardly. "He's social media famous and he has a rapping career."

"He's the biggest asshole you've ever dated, and you've dated quite a few." I am not going to fight with her today, especially if I'm going to try and defend Sam when I really do not have a counter argument.

"Be quiet, Amy. You're not the one pregnant with his baby."

"Are his family involved?"

"I think they want to be, his mom was really supportive, disappointed, but supportive."

Emily was really excited about becoming an auntie and Lori nearly cried. I don't know how Ben, Annie or Dave reacted to the news.

Sammy is probably still in denial, refusing to believe that I'm carrying his child. I know full well that this baby is his. There is not a single, fucking doubt in my mind. If he doesn't believe me, that's fine, I will happily partake in a paternity test to give him genetic, scientific evidence that he will be a father.

"Are you planning on keeping the baby or giving it up for adoption?"

I haven't really thought about my options all too well. I just jumped to the conclusion that I would keep it, but I don't know if I can. I don't know if I'm going to be able to care for the baby in the ways it needs.

"I, I don't know."

"That's perfectly fine, we can discuss it at a later time." She dismissed it like it was nothing, but it is something. And my entire future depends on it. "Let's take a look at your baby."

After what felt like an entire lifetime, Olivia finally focuses her attention on flashing off my belly. She starts to swipe the little monitor across my stomach, spreading the jelly all over my skin. I interlock my fingers together out of complete nerves.

"You can see the white bean-like shape here," She used the mouse to select the exact area of focus and then used the pointer to showcase the clear baby shape. "And here, is your baby."

"Oh my god, Y/N, it's got your wavy black lines!" Amy jokes, pointing at the screen and cracking up at her Friends reference.

"The baby has developed at the usual rate." Olivia smiles and rotates the monitor to show me a different angle of the fetus. "And you are 18 weeks along, and your due date is sometime in mid November." That's close to Sam's birthday.

"When can we find out if it's a girl or a boy?" Amy straight away asks, again. She really is more excited than me.

"You could have found out today, actually, but the baby's curled right now and it's blocking the view, so definitely at the next scan."

Holy shit, my baby actually has a gender right now. My baby is a girl or a boy right now. But he or she is too stubborn and they don't want anyone to know just yet. Hm, stubborn already. It's definitely Sam's baby.

"When is the next scan?"

Olivia takes a photo of the angle we're currently looking at and moves the monitor to another angle. "I can book you in for 2 weeks time, if you'd like?"

"That's great, thank you."

I'm not surprised that Sam didn't turn up, I'm not going to dwell and cry over it either. I can't change his decisions or the way he thinks, it's completely up to him. I say I don't care, which I really shouldn't because we aren't together anymore, but it does actually hurt my feelings.

I really should try to get over whatever the hell is going through Samuel's head and concentrate on myself and my baby.

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