Daddy Issues 2 // s.w

Start from the beginning

"That's really unfortunate timing, oh my God, when did you find out?" Lori is still silent, just staring off into space.

"Literally just the other day, only four people know, including you two. I haven't even told my parents yet."

"Is it Samuels?" Lori asks quickly, holding her chin in her hand. She's in shock, which is understandable. She has told me before that I'm like a daughter to her, and she's like a mother to me, I can tell that she's disappointed in me, and Sam, but hopefully she's willing to accept it.

I nod my head swiftly. "He's the only one I've been with in the past year." I look between Emily and Lori and take in their different expressions.

Emily looks somewhat excited, I can see it in her eyes, but her smile shows that she's disappointed and nervous. Who would blame her?

"This is insane." Emily puffs, shaking her head slightly. "Are you going to tell him, seeing as you're here now?"

"I honestly don't think I can face him, Em." Not after what happened last time we spoke, when we broke up. I remember the last thing I said very clearly.

That I hope that he fails with his music and that he has no real talent.

I really regret saying it now, in the past few months, he's gone so far and reached out to such a huge audience and he really is succeeding. He's doing so well, he's striving to reach his goals. Maybe I motivated him to get there, so he could shove it in my face.

"He's over it, Y/N, really, he is." Emily reassures me but I know that he's still going to be a little bit angry with me, or upset. "I can't believe I'm going to be an auntie!"

Emily's nervousness wears off, I can still sense her disappointment behind her smile, and she claps her hands excitedly, laughing a little giggle.

Lori on the other hand, she looks excited, her blank look suddenly shifted into a small smile and her eyes started to glisten.

"So you're carrying my grandchild?"


"Oh, Y/N, you're going to make me cry!" Lori whines and quickly wraps her arms around me again.

"I'm sorry!" I laugh quietly and wrap my arms around her once again. I don't clasp my hands together around her back, I grab onto Emily's arm and pull her into us. Lori sobs against my shoulder when she feels her daughter also wrapping her arms around her.

"Don't apologise! This is such a precious gift from God, Y/N, my first grand baby! Oh my gosh," She barely even allows the girly hug to last for a minute before she pulls away and starts to scurry around the kitchen. "How far along are you? We need to organise a baby shower and go baby shopping! I'm going to be a nana!"

Emily and I look at each other and laugh at the sudden change of mood and the change of tension in the room.

"Oh my gosh," Lori repeats, holding a hand against her forehead. "I'm going to be a nana."

"Woah, who is pregnant?"

And what great timing.

There is the voice that I know all too well, sounding like he's only been awake for a short while. I haven't even looked at him yet but I already know that he's shirtless and probably in boxers with sagging track pants.

"And what are you doing here, Y/N?"

The tension raises again. I peep over my shoulder for a second, my assumptions of his outfit being spot on. "I just came to talk to your mom, I'll be gone soon, don't sweat it."

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