What the bloody hell.

Have you ever felt embarrassed? The same level of when your dad accidentally finds your secret stash of porn and looks at you with those eyes. If you did, then bravo.

Welcome to my world.

Hisoka's question was the death of me. I didn't even know how to answer him. My mouth opened, about to yell, 'hell no!' But I closed my mouth before I reacted out of character. The red head was still looking at me expectantly, studying me with narrowed eyes.

I contemplated my options.

One, I can flat out deny. Although that would make me seem suspicious. Depends on how I play it.

Two, I can say yes. But then, I won't be able to guarantee the safety of my ass. I know what you're thinking. Gee, Aki. You're worrying about your ass over your identity of being a girl. Well, sorry to disappoint you but I am a boy at heart. Telling Hisoka now would probably clear things up, sure. Then again, I had the third option:

Stay silent.

As I pondered my reply to his question, Hisoka stepped closer to me. I bit my lip in frustration. Like, what the hell. I'm a girl. How can I be gay?! I like guys... teasing them with my boy-identity, that is.

Then again, does that count as BL?!

Before I could give Hisoka a proper reply, the announcer called out for his name. His match was starting. I had never felt so relieved by the sound of the bell ringing. I gave Hisoka one last awkward smile.

"Go kick ass, Oyaji!" I cheered, running away the second he turned his back to me—but not without giving me one last scrutinizing look. As I went back to the entrance of the bleachers, the guard stopped me.

"Ticket please." He demanded.

"What? I already gave my ticket though..." I trailed off. The man only glared at me, telling me that I couldn't go back in.

"Tickets are one entry grant only, kid." He replied coldly. What the hell. This day is the worst. I keep stumbling upon one misfortune to another. I gave up on going back inside the Arena.

Guess I did end up ditching Killua.

I ended up walking back to my room, a little bit depressed with this turn of events. Quietly, I sat down on my bed and practiced my Ren. Before Gon and Hisoka's predestined match, it seems like Gon and Killua had officially graduated from Nen training with flying colors.

Hn. Just they wait, I'm going to catch to them in no time.

The water divination that Hisoka and I tried out revealed my identity as a Manipulator. Now, I was just training to improve moving the damn leaf on the water. It was a bit hard for me to control my Nen in that way. I was so used to using it to defend myself that it was hard for me to learn Hatsu.

Although using chakra should've made it easier for me to master Nen, I'm not able to fully draw out my aura because I end up summoning my chakra reserves and using it. In turn, my chakra blocks my micropyles and stop me from producing aura.

A knock on the door of my room resounded, breaking my concentration for a bit. I wondered who it was.

"Come in! The door's open." The door opened a second later to reveal Wing. Well, speak of the devil. The man gave me a small smile.

"I see you're having progress, Chrome-kun." He started, watching me closely as my Ren slowly waned. With a closed-eye smile, he tucked his hands behind his back.

"Why don't you show me your overall improvement now, Chrome-kun? So that I'll know whether to graduate you from my Nen class." He instructed, gesturing to the glass of water that was sitting on my table. I nodded, taking the glass in my hands. Wing put the leaf inside, letting it float on top of the water.

Aki (A Naruto/HxH Crossover Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant