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I thought I would write up a bit of an explanation as to what happened because a lot of people don't understand.

Due to his head injuries from To Learn To Love, Taehyung had to have people checking in on him. He began to show signs of schizophrenia sometime within those ten years and was taken into a hospital to be closely monitored.

He was soon let out under surveillance but the watch team slipped up and let him get away. He made his way to Alli, and seeing that she was with Taesung he threw a fit and murdered her. He got away with it at that time and went back to his ordinary life, REPRESSING the memory of murdering her and hiding her body.

The social worker then gets a hold of him and the twins are put into his custody (he had been doing well, mentally for quite some time so they let him have the kids, knowing he would have support from his friends - bad idea though). When they enter his life he becomes more happier and sane, but when the subject of Alli re-enters his life he becomes more sad and confused (because he killed her and is trying to forget her). But because the twins are so upset by their mother disappearing he decided to take on the memory of her to please them. Although this does take a toll on him.

They visit each location, he remembers Alli and what they had together. He gets upset and mad because he killed her so he takes his anger out on innocent people (when the twins aren't around) and dumps the bodies at the locations they visited.

The detectives then enter, they find Taehyung guilty because although he left the crime scenes clean, his face was plastered all over the surveillance cameras. But they soon find out his mental illness and that he represses his memories, so it's a bit of a Shutter Island thing going on (REALLY good movie by the way! Stars Leonardo DiCaprio, 10/10 would recommend).

So the detectives play along in his little game. Although Park gets sick of pretending just to please Taehyung, he didn't want to work the case anymore because it was only hurting him (because Alli was his cousin, and he didn't want his niece and nephew in the arms of a murderer). The reason why Park didn't get the twins was because they weren't very close cousins, but they were still blood relatives so he cared for her.

The dreams Taehyung had weren't dreams entirely, but memories that he didn't want to remember. He brutally murdered Alli in her home which is why she appeared to him soaked in blood while they were at her house.

He took the twins away and hid them in the basement of his home and drowned them the night Taegeuk went missing. Hence the dream he had about it, and the rain water always soaking them, and hence Taehyung holding their hands on the edge of the cliff as if to drown with them. So from then on, Taekwon is just a figment of Taehyung's imagination.

He was denying to himself that he had killed his children so he imagined Taegeuk missing, and Taekwon still being there. Notice that no one else really noticed Taekwon after that point besides the crazy man that was dragged into the police station, also notice that from then on Taekwon seems to be more withdrawn, lifeless, more on edge, but more importantly cold.

The detectives knew he killed them, but he didn't know himself so they kept the charade going until he admitted he had done it.

The other members were told of what was going on with him, that's why most of the time they seemed to be on edge and worried while they were around him.

I know it may have been super confusing, I'm still a beginner at writing and can't really express things very clearly. This was the first time I've ever written something like this, I'll be editing and tweaking the story later on so it hopefully makes better sense!

Any questions about the story you would like me to answer? That haven't already been answered in this explanation?

To Find Her Again [TLTL sequel / COMPLETE]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum