Welcome Parties // d.r

Start from the beginning

We slip in some silence as I work on my hair and Andrea works on her social networking skills. Andrea knows all of these people who are singers, rappers and upcoming movie stars and it actually makes me pretty nervous.

They already have their fame, they've already made their debut and people know who they are whereas I can be considered as a nobody. People know me as 'Andreas new roommate' because I was in her new video about me moving in. I'm not going to fit in with her and all of her friends until I've made myself known.

It sucks, to be honest.

"Anyone I should be weary of?" I ask after 5 minutes of silence.

She looks up from her phone quickly and tilts her head in thought. "No, not really, they're all really friendly. I mean, some of them might be a bit up front at first, but they're awesome."

"Who's like that?"

"Nash, Matthew, Sam, Lindsay, Arden..." She raises her eyebrow and laughs, "Lindsay literally doesn't care if she insults someone accidentally, so be careful with what you say around her."

"Noted," I nod and spray some hairspray on the portion of hair that's been ironed. "What about the ruthless flirts?"

Andrea raises her hand to her mouth as she thinks up a name, "Samuel fucking Wilkinson, oh my God, he is the biggest flirt I have ever met!" She literally shouts, causing me to flinch and nearly burn myself with the flat iron, but I let it go with a laugh.

"So I should steer clear of Sam?"

"No, no, he's a laugh, he's just a huge ass play boy." She pauses for a second, looking up at the ceiling. "If you don't want to be verbally harassed, I suggest you avoid him."


30 minutes into the party and most people are here. I've met Andreas previous roommates and they're all really nice and welcoming, all three of them gave me their numbers so that we can hang out and they can introduce me to new places that they like in California.

I've also met the infamous Ricky Dillon, who is exactly what he's like I'm his videos, and he through his phone at me (for my number, of course) the minute he heard my accent. He's a really sweet guy, I can definitely see us being good friends.

I'm in mid conversation with Ricky and Trevor Moran when Andrea rushes over to me and pulls me away. "Y/N, all of the guys are here, come on." I excuse myself from the conversation and allow her to drag me to the front door.

There stands a huge group of people, consisting of mostly boys and three girls, all of who look excited yet nervous at the same time.

"Andy!" A male voice shouts when he sees Andrea, throwing his arms in the air and pushing everyone out of the way to come and hug her.

"Kenny!" She mocks, throwing her arms in the air also and wrapping her arms around his neck when she gets close enough. "It's so good to see you!"

"It's been too long," He grins, kissing her cheek quickly before turning to me. "And you're Y/N, right?"

"I am indeed, and I take it that you're Kenny." He grins and nods. Kenny wraps an arm around Andreas shoulder and turns to his group of friends.

I stand there awkwardly, just looking around the crowded room, not exactly sure of what to do or what to say because I've only had conversations with five other people out of like, 50.

The massive group start to spread out and form their own mini groups, still leaving me to stand alone. I don't even have my phone with me, Trevor was in the middle of putting his number in when I got snatched away, so he still has my phone.

I must look like such a loser right now.

"Hey, you're Y/N, right?"

I whip my head around to see who's talking to me, looking the boy up and down in attempt to guess his name, but I really can't. He's wearing a black and white baseball jersey and a matching black snapback.

I nod my head and smile at him. "That's me, hi."

"I'm Dillon," He smiles, placing a hand on his chest as he introduces himself. "You looked a little bit lost over here and I don't know many people so I thought I'd come and talk to you."

"I've only met 5 of these people, I feel so left out and awkward."

"At least I'm not the only one," Dillon grins, laughing quietly. "When did you move to America?"

I clasp my hands together in front of me, "Literally just last week."

"Why'd you move over here?"

"I'm an actress and I thought being out here would help to boost my career." It's quite embarrassing to think about, I'm a washed up, British actress who couldn't get a single role back home.

"That's interesting, I did the exact same thing, but I'm a DJ so it's kinda different."

"Oh, really?" Dillon nods his head with a proud smile. "That's pretty cool. That kind of stuff has always interested me."

It feels kinda awkward between us, simply because I barely know him, but I feel like I could really see myself getting to know him better and being really close with him. He seems like a pretty cool, laid back guy.

Dillon looks down at the floor quickly before answering me. "Maybe we could hang out sometime? I could show you how it all works?"

I pull my lips into a genuine smile and nod in agreement. "That sounds great, I'll definitely have to take you up on that."

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