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We were sitting at the table with only my parents. Steele and Sage were going out, and Tyde was eating with a friend.

It wasn't awkward, like I expected it to be. It was really relaxed, and there was no pressure or something. My parents were really interested in Common Culture, and that's Connors biggest interest. He loves his own company so much, it's really adorable.

It really seemed like Connor was having fun and feeling comfortable, so that made me happy.

We talked about my record label too, wich I was so so so exited about and I couldn't help but freaking out again.
We had a really good time together.

We finished dinner, and mom made us dessert. Although it was just icecream we really enjoyed it. Connor even said this was the best icecream he'd ever had.
After dessert Connor and I went home. It was 12pm already, and we didn't want to get home too late.

On our way back I wanted to ask Connor a question about Dan. It had been stuck in my head all day.
"Coooooon" I asked, with a slight giggle
"Trooooo" he replied
"I have a question"
"Tell me"
"Tro just tell me please"
"Okay, so, uhm, are uhm"
"TROYE SIVAN MELLET tell me please"
"Do Dan and Phil have a relationship?" I dropped it.
Connor started laughing, but not like a quick giggle or for a second or a smile, no. No, he started laughing really really loud and really really much.
"Oh my hahahahahahh"
"Oh my god, Troye hahahahahah"
"Cohooon, I just wanted to know, I'm sorry, okay?"
"Don't be, don't be, it's fine, it's just that.. hahahaha"
"Okay, it's just that" *giggle* "at Heardwell, there are a few rumours. Everybody thinks Dan and Phil are together, but they never confirmed it. And now you're asking it and hahahahah"
I laughed too, but I think you should've been there to find it really funny.
"We have a few ships at Heardwell" Connor continued
"Do you know the woman at the entrance?"
"Yes, I remember her"
"Yes, we ship her with the cleaning man, because, o.m.g., they are so cute together"
I giggled. This was actually pretty funny.

Secretly I was hoping the people at Heardwell shipped Connor and me.
I smiled by thinking about it.

We arrived at our house and Connor let us in.
"Shall we take an other drink, or are we going to sleep right now?" Connor asked
"Let's have an other drink" I replied. I wasn't really sleepy yet, and I liked the idea of Connor and me sitting at the couch and cuddling.
"Do you want coffee or tea?" I heard Connor saying from the kitchen.
"Tea, please, otherwise I won't be able to sleep"
"Yeah me neither, but I prefer coffee.
We could try to stay up late"
"We could, tomorrow is Saturday so we don't have to go to work"
"Is that a yes?" He said with a big smile.
"Alright than" I nodded

We tried to stay up late, but since we both are light weights it didn't really work out.
I was sitting in the corner of the couch, and Connors head was resting on my chest. I softly kissed his hair. He looked up, pouting his lips, just like he wanted to...
He kissed me. It came as a surprise, so I was shocked, surprised but oh so in love.

After the kiss we stayed in the same position. Connors head on my chest, holding my hand, every once in a while he kissed my hand or I kissed his hair, or forehead. I couldn't stop thinking about how much I love him.

We fell asleep on the couch. Both so in love. Feeling good, save.

I love him.

In suburbia. (Tronnor Fanfic) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin