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We are going inside, and there are a lot of people jumping, dancing, kissing, drinking lots of beer, vodka and other alcoholic drinks.

I don't know what to do because I don't like drunk people and I don't fit in.

Connor asks me if I want something to drink, but I still haven't drunk my beer. I like the taste, but the idea there is alcohol in it makes me feel bad. I tell Connor I still have my beer, but he can get himself if he wants too.
"I don't really like beer, so I'm fine." He answers. I probably must have given him a weird look, because he asks me: "Are you okay?"
"Yes," I anwer "I just don't understand why you have been drinking been all day, and then you tell me you don't like it."
He looked at me with his beautiful green, sparking puppy eyes, and asked me with his sweetest voice: "Please don't tell my friends?"
I assured him I wouldn't do that.
"I just don't understand, you have been drinking been the whole day" I said.
He told me he understood I don't understand, and he doesn't know what he was doing either.

Than he run away, I didn't see him in the crowd, so I assumed he didn't want to talk with me anymore. Wich was okay, he deserved better. I felt sorry for asking.

I decided to go home, so I walked away, focussing on the ground. But then a girl voice whispered in my ear: "Hi, I don't know you, but you seem nice..." I looked up. The girl Connor liked was talking to me!
"Hi," I answered her, "I am Troye."

"Hi Troye, how are you?" She asked. "Do you like the party? How was the tournament today?"
"I don't like it, the tournament was fine. I'm going home right now." I told her, and I tried to walk away, but she stopped me.
"The party is nice! Believe me! You just have to find the right people to dance with and talk to! I saw you were talking to Connor, he is nice but he is very insecure, I'm sorry for you if he ran away from you, he is very shy and he does that to everyone. Don't worry"

That really was a relief to me. "I'm fine thank you" I said to her.
"Now come and party with me! I'll get us some drinks" she said, when she walked to the bar. She came back with 2 shots of liquor, and I was scared. She saw it. "It's okay, you'll like it" she told me.
Since I was already drinking beer, being at a party and talking to strangers today, I could just drink vodka too, I thought. And so it happened.

I was still talking to the girl with the beautiful blue eyes and brown curls.
"So, are you Connors girlfriend?" I asked, knowing she wasn't.
"Uhm, well, it's complicated. We actually don't really know each other, we only talk to each other on parties like this. We kissed a few times, but he isn't like, my boyfriend..."
"That indeed sounds complicated." I said.
"He is a nice guy," she continued "but I just don't really like him, I guess, I mean I don't like him like a boyfriend, just like a friend, but we never meet up. My friends dont like him, so i dont want them to think I talk to him, you know. It's really complicated indeed." She sights.
I sight too.

I want to go home, because this party is not as lit as Connor told me it would be. But suddenly the music gets a little louder. "I'm going to get more shots, are you with me?" Connors kissed-but-not-girlfriend asked. "Yeah sure" I told her, thinking that when I was a little drunk, this night could become nice.

I took more than 1 shot. I don't remember how much, but the night was indeed lit. Connor was right.
I don't remember a lot of this night, but the girl and I kissed. More than once. She gave me her number. I was hoping she had Connors number. I don't remember anything after that.

I don't remember anything after the lights started flashing, almost like a photobooth.
I do remember the feeling of being fireproof.

In suburbia. (Tronnor Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now