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I wake up.

Today is the day.
Today I have an appointment with Heardwell.
Today my life will change forever.
I'm exited but terrified.

Connor wakes up next to me.
"What are you doing here?" He asks
"I couldn't sleep" I answer
"Oh, honey, why not?"
"It's nothing. I was just overthinking everything and puzzling over everything. It's nothing. Just the general thing."
He hugged me as a response. And we just lay down like that for some time.

"We need to get up" he said after some time. "You don't want to be late!"

Connor took a day off so that he could go with me. He is so sweet.

So we got up, ate breakfast and took an Uber to the Heardwell building.

Dan was waiting for us outside. When he recognised Connor he gasped and greeted him enthousiastic. Apparently Connor is really famous in Heardwell. Dan and I shook hands and got inside. Dan led us to Mr. Lesters office.

He opens the door for us, waves at Mr. Lester and after we went in, he closes the door again.

Connor and I walked in together, holding hands. An awful and pretty much awkward silence. Then Mr. Lester stands up and greets us both with a hug.

"I'm so glad to see you both again!" He starts
"Same for us" Connor says
I nodded.

"So, I've been listening to your music, and I think it's really good. Your voice is really special and I think you have the potentials to make it in the music world. So I'd like to work with you. I have the contract right here."

He picks up a piece of paper and puts it down in front of me. I was realising that this piece of paper, was basicly my future. Wich was great and terrifying at the same time.

I read it, and read it again, and after that I signed it.
I was ready for this.
Mr. Lester and I shook hands, and I hugged Connor.
I smiled so much, because I was so damn happy.

Mr. Lester and I were talking about making an EP. I'd be my first EP ever, and I just had to choose the songs.

I decided to take some time for that before I made a choice, and Mr. Lester agreed. And Connor did too, but that didn't really make sense.

So Mr. Lester and I decided that I'd come back in 2 week, and that I'd have a selection of song I might wanted to put on the EP.
I was so exited!

We shook hands again and Connor and I went home.

When we came home, I immediately called my mom.
"Mom, hi" I said
"Hi honey, how is it going" she asked
"So so so good! I have really exiting news"
"What is it?"
"I just signed a record contract! I'm going to be a singer! A musician!"
"Have you really? Oh my god, Troye! I'm so proud of you!"
"Thanks mom, I'm so exited!"
"Would you like it to have dinner with us tonight? To celebrate this?"
"If Connor can come too..."
"Of course he can!"
"Okay we'll be there at 7"
"See you then, honey"
"Bye mom, love you"
"Love you too!"

I walked to Connor, who was sitting on the couch with a big smile on his face.
"There's the booooy, honey I'm so prouuud!"
He stood up and hugged me again
"Are you okay with us eating at my parents' tonight? To celebrate it" I asked
"Yes that's fine" he said, I heard a little hesitation in his voice.
"Oh yes, thank you!" I jumped around and his smile became big again.

We hugged again, and he was just repeating: "I'm so proud of you, Troye, I'm so fucking proud"

In suburbia. (Tronnor Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now