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We stayed there for long. Me sitting in Connors lap. Holding each other tight, crying, listening to the silence around us.

I wanted it to never end.

We let go of each other. "I want to hold hands with you, and that's all I want to do right now. Is that okay?' I said. He looked at me, nodded and we tangled our fingers.

I wanted it never to end.

"Can we sit on the couch?" Connor asked after a few minutes. "It's way comfier." I nodded and we moved to the couch. Connor sat in the corner, and I laid with my head on his chest. We held hands again.

I wanted it never to end.

I realised I fell asleep when Connor softly waked me. "Troye," he whispered "Troye, wake up," I opened my eyes and looked at his beautiful green eyes. "Hi Connor" I whispered back. "Do you feel a little better, Tro?" He asked. "Yes, a little thank you. Your coffee is the magical medicine" I giggled.
"Did you like it? Really?" Connor immediately asked exited. "Yeah, it was really nice, why?" I said, still a little bit sleepy. I was wondering why he got so exited about me liking the coffee he made me. I made coffee almost every day, it's not that big of a deal.

"Well," he began "I kind of own the brand that sells the coffee, and I was tasting lots and lots of coffee, and I decided I like this one the best. But no one besides me and you has tasted it yet, but I really wanted an opinion from someone else than me. And now you tell me you like it! And that's amazing!"

"You own a coffee brand?" I wondered.
"Well, yes but no but well... It's a brand wich sells coffee, clothes, mugs, music, candles, all really good quality. I love my own brand so much" he giggled.
I looked at him, he was so adorable. He was so happy and proud of his own brand. I must admit, it is pretty cool. I wished I was as cool as he was.
"Wow what's amazing, I don't even know what to say" I told him. And it was the truth.

We both stood up at the same time, wich caused a pretty awkward situation of us standing and looking at each other. But it didn't really matter.
Connor told me it was lunchtime, and asked me if I wanted to have some avocado toast with him. "Ofcourse!" I said. He walked to the kitchen. "Stay over there, I'll make it for us." And I felt the little sparkle again.

He was so nice and caring. I liked that. But I was wondering if he, you know, liked boys. Maybe he was just trying to be kind and not feeling what I felt. Maybe he really had a crush on that weird girl at the party. I couldn't just ask him, I only just met him. Thay would be weird. I'll just wait for some time, I thought.

At that moment my mom called. "Shit, Connor, my moms calling me. I'm sorry but I have to pick it up"
"No problem Troye!" He screamed back.

I picked up the phone, my mom immediately started asking lots and lots of questions and I didn't know the answers.

In suburbia. (Tronnor Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now