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Luckily enough, I knew who the person walking in was. But I didn't understand. I didn't understand at. all.

Why? Why he? Why did he take me to his home? Why did I go with him?

"Soo, I see you woke up" he said, standing there with two big shopping bags. His eyes so bright green with a cute sparkle. His hair so brown, with that one cute lock of hair not being in his quiff.
"Yes, I woke up" I said back. "I have a lot of questions, I guess"
"I think I am the only one with the answers, because all the other people on that party were too drunk to function. Just like you."
I felt ashamed. I shouldn't have been drinking that much. I didn't even like it. How could I be so stupid? I hated myself.

"I'm so sorry, Connor, I really regret it. I shouldn't have taken those shots, I was just trying to be cool, like you and your friends" I started crying. I wanted to go home. I didn't want him to see me like this.

"Hey, Troye, it's okay, it's not your fault. I should have stayed with you. It's no problem, really" Connor tried to ease me, but it didn't work at all. I started crying even more, because he was so nice to me, and caring, and lovely, and I had never had someone like that, besides my parents.

"Hey, Tro, it's okay, do you want me to make you some coffee? Maybe some breakfast? You must eat something, although you probably aren't hungry at all" Connor said. I nodded.

He made me the most delicious coffee I've ever had, and after that he told me everything.

He told me how I was drinking way too much.

He told me how I was kissing a girl 5 times.

He told me how I was dancing.

He told me how everything was shattering.

He told me how I finally blacked out and fell on the ground.

He told me how no one looked at me while I was lying on the ground.

He told me how he was scared I died.

He told me how he dragged me home while no one else was caring.

He told me how hopeless he was, because I wasn't waking up.

He told me how hopeless he was, because he didn't know anything about me but my first name.

He told me how scared he was I died.

He told me how guilty he felt, because he was the one who asked me if I wanted to go with him.

His beautiful eyes were full of tears. I wanted to give him a hug, I wanted to comfort him. My eyes were full of tears too. No one ever did something so nice for me. I stood up, and settled down next to him. We hugged. We cried together. Unless the fact I was so sad, and lost, it was the best feeling I had ever had. It felt like a little sparkle in me, and I don't know if he was feeling the same. I was just hoping.

In suburbia. (Tronnor Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now