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"Where have you been, Troye? We are worried! Couldn't you at least sent us a text message?"

"But mom, I..."

" No Troye, no buts, tell me, where have you been? We knew you were at the party, but why didn't you come home last night? And where are you now? We're all very worried, Troye. You really don't care, do you?"

" Mom of course I care, but..."

"No Troye, no buts. I want you to come home immediately."

"But mom, I'm at a friends house." Connor was a friend, right?
"I'm sorry I didn't text, but I was sleeping, mom. Last night I was at the party of the sportclub, YOU told me to go! I didn't want to! So why are you mad? I'm finally living the life you always wanted me to live! Why are you so mad? I'm just being a teenager! A normal one! Just like you always said I had to be! I was just going OUT instead of watching YouTube all night! Just like you always wanted me to! Why is that wrong?!"

" You are right Troye" she said with a sad voice. "But we were just so worried!"

" I understand. But I'm fine. I'm going to have lunch. After that I'll come home, okay?"

"You can stay as long as you want. I'm really sorry for upsetting you. I was just worried. Now go enjoy your lunch. Love you, honey"

"Loveyoutoomom" I mumbled.

"Are you in trouble Troyeboy? " Connor asked with a big smile on his face. Apparently he found it really funny.
"Don't call me Troyeboy, Connor." I told him. I hated it when people did that.
"Whatever you want, Troyeboy" Connor said teasingly.
"Connor please stop it. I've got a hungover. I'm really tired. My mom is mad at me. Or at least a little. Please, I can't handle this discussion right now."
Connor giggled like a child. He looked at my with his beautiful green, sparkly eyes. I got lost in them. Those little diamonds sparkling in his eyes were just like magic. I felt like I was slowly falling. I was falling in love. I was falling in love with someone named Connor.

Connor looked up from our drowning-in-each-others-eyes moment and said: "Let me get the avocado toast. We'll talk while we eat." And he walked away, into the kitchen. I walked after him, and carried the two mugs of coffee to the couch. Connor sat in the corner again, and I was sitting right next to him.

I wanted to know everything about him, but at the same time I loved how mysterious he was when I didn't.

"What did your mom say?" Connor asked, a little hesitating and with a soft voice. "Was she really mad?"
"No, she was just really worried." I told him. "She always wanted me to be like, you know, the cool people, who play sports, have lots of friends, like you, you know. But Connor, I am not like that. All I do is being on my laptop all day, wachting YouTube video's and scrolling through Tumblr. I don't want to become a professional soccer player, I want to be a singer. And it's hard for her to accept that, because I don't have a steady income right now. Things aren't working out yet, and I don't know if they ever are going to be working out."

Connor nodded. He hugged me. I cried again. I just want to be happy.
"But Troyeboy" Connor began, I looked really mad at him, "I'm not one of those cool kids either. I hate those people. They hate me. I'm not that cool"
I was shocked. He started crying. I started crying. We hugged. We cried together. We held hands. And god, I'm in love with him.

In suburbia. (Tronnor Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now