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It was almost 8 pm when my phone rang. I didn't recognize the number, but still picked up.

"Troye Sivan Mellet" I said
"Hi, you're speaking with Dan Howell, Heardwell Music Inclusive. I'm the assistent of mister Lester, you have spoken to him yesterday, if I'm right"
"Yes, yesterday" I confirmed.
"Okay good, I'm calling you to tell you mister Lester and Heardwell want to work with you. We must plan an appointment for next week. Is Friday 11 am good for you?"
"Yeah that's great" I couldn't say anything, I was completely in shock.
"Okay, I'll pick you up at the front door. I'll see you there!"
"Okay, I'll see you there"

And he hung up.
"Oh my god, Connor"
"They called me, they-.."
"Who, Troye?"
"Heardwell, they want to make a deal with me"
"Are you serious? Who was calling you?"
"Dan Howell"
"Oooh, Dan, I know him. When do you have the appointment?"
"Friday, 11am"

I was so in shock that I couldn't even be happy. I couldn't even talk properly.
"Oh my god, Troye, I'm so proud of you!"
"I-I -I can't believe it" I stuttered back.
"Me neither, Troye! I'm so proud! You did it, man!"
"I can't believe it" I said, once again.

I was totally not on the earth, but floating on cloud nine while being on shock. I was so happy but just couldn't believe it. I, Troye Sivan Mellet, have a record deal. Well, not yet, but I'll have on Friday. This is insane. I was staring at the wall, drowning in my own thoughts, when Connor put on music.
He put on MY music.
He put on Fun, one of my favorite songs. He grabbed my hands and we started dancing through the living room. I was still freaking out and not believing it, but, holy shit, I was so happy.

"I can't believe it" I said to Connor
"I'm so proud of you!" Connor replied.

We dances and jumped through the room, we danced together, and after both falling on the couch, breathing heavily, we decided to bake a cake.
"I want a rainbow cake!" I said.
"I want it too. Let's go the the supermarket." Connor replied.
And that's what we did. We went to the supermarket and bought cake mix, food coloring, whipped cream and sprinkles.

When we wanted to pay, the girl who kissed Connor, but was not in love with him and thought he was a bit weird, was working there as a cashier.
When Connor recognized her,he immediately was stressed.
"It's okay, Con, don't worry" I tried to comfort him.
"No no no no no no no" he said
"Con, don't worry"
"No no no no no, she doesn't know I'm gay"
"Con, don't worry, she'll think we're just friends"
"No, no no no no no, we are buying frinkin' things to bake a rainbow cake, Tro"
"Just calm down. I'll buy it, so that you can leave through an other exit, okay?"
"Yes, okay, yes. That's okay. Thanks. Okay."
So that's what we did. I bought the ingredients, and the girl recognized me. The conversation was very very awkward.
"Hi!" She said
"Hello" I said back
"How are you after your big night out? You had a few drinks too much, didn't you?" She said, teasingly. But not nice teasingly, like Connor did.
"Uhm yes, but I'm fine now, thanks"
I paid and walked away as fast as I could.
"See ya!" She screamed after me
I nodded as a reply.

Outside the door Connor was waiting for me. "Thanks" he said
"It's no problem, I get it" I replied.

In suburbia. (Tronnor Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now