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I was busy with filling boxes and envelopes the whole day. Posters, sweaters, t-shirts, cd's, caps and beanies all got through my hands.

I put on some good music, like Lorde, Amy Winehouse, Astrid S, Oh Wonder and I may or may not have put on some of my own music.

It was a pretty relaxed morning and I really enjoyed the work. I had lunch alone, in the 'office'.

At 3 pm Connor walked in. I was almost done with all the orders for that day.
"Hey, Tro" he yelled
"Hey, Con" I yelled back
"How ya doin'?"
"Good, almost done, what about you?"
"Good too, the meetings were all good. But I'm happy they are over. They were a bit boring."
"Hm too bad"
"BUT I've got some good news. I discussed with the people who help me with Common Culture, and they said I can sell scented candles too! I'll have to chose them, design the jar etc. It will be so much fun!"
"Aah that's so cool!!" I said
"Yes! Can you help me pick out the scent? I have an appointment with the company we are going to collaborate with at 5pm."
"That would be so great!" I said.
Connor smiled at me, and I smiled back.

Connor helped me with the last few orders, and after that we had to leave to the candle company.

Connor was talking to lots of people, and I was just looking around at all the candles and smelling all of them. There were so many different sizes and scents and jars, I couldn't believe it.

"I want a scent that's fresh, smells like the forest and trees, but I absolutely don't want it to be christmassy."
I laughed at him. He was so funny and so adorable.

"Tro, come here, we can smell candles in here" he said.
"Coming" I replied

We walked to a room. The woman who was talking to Connor earlier was looking for candles she thought Connor would like.
Connor and I sat down at the table, and the woman came back with almost 20 candles.

We smelled them all, and we exchanged our thoughts, giggled and laughed a lot. We finally picked our top 5.

"That's great" the woman said. "You'll have to come back later to make a final decision. I'll give you samples of those 5, because you can light them at home. It smells different at home and when they are lkt, and it's good to try that too."
"Thank you so much!" Connor said.

We made an appointment for later that week.

On our way back home we were still obsessively smelling at the candles. All 5 smelled so damn good.

When we were finally home, Connor immediately lit 2 candles.
"Why do you light 2? They are different scents." I asked
"I think I want a combination of those two, I don't know if that's possible, but they'll have to deal with it." He smiled.

"Look, that's exactly why I love you so much" I told him.

He walked to me and kissed me.
He set me free again, I felt like I was slowly falling in love a little bit more. I felt like is was in cloud nine, trying not to fall off. And oh, I love him so much.

In suburbia. (Tronnor Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now