Author's Note

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Hello everyone!!!!

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Hello everyone!!!!

My name is Eva and I would like to thank you for choosing my story! I sincerely hope I'll meet up to your expectations! There are some things I would like to tell you before you begin reading my story and if you are really spending some of your time reading this note, it is for your own good.

So, as you have probably seen by the description, this is an Elijah Mikaelson love story based both on the The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. It took me three years in total to write this story and I would really appreciate it if none of my ideas was stolen and used for another purpose. I do not consider myself an expert, but I would like you to show some respect at least to the time and effort I put to this story.

Now, about the story. My main character is Cassandra Gold and you will find out more about her while reading this story. The truth is I put a lot of characteristics I see in my character and that made her something like a sister to me. I know this sounds weird, but this is the truth. In my story, Cassandra and Elijah don't meet immediately. I took my time to build Cassandra's character and the world around her, her past, but also her present and future (you will understand eventually what I mean...). So, if you are into the short kind of stories, then probably my story won't be the perfect option for you. Also, I would like to add that it is quite big, as when I started writing it The Originals were not even a concept, so as you see I had a total different ending in mind, so I started it from the very first season of the TVD! But, while doing the editing, I decided that erasing the first parts it would mess up with the story line, so you will probably have to be a little patient for Elijah to come.

Another thing I would like to clarify is that, I'm not a native speaker, so any grammatical and spelling mistakes, as well as some mistakes in the meaning, which I apologise for, are normal. I did my best to decrease their number, but there must be something that I've missed. And sometimes my writing becomes a little too formal, so I'm sorry about that too! Blame the examinations for the certificate of Proficiency in English for that!

Any feedback is accepted, good or bad. It will help me improve as a writer, but please there is no need to be rude. I will be updating every other day and I'll try not to miss any updates. I'll also post this story on Quotev, by the same account (Evaki498), just for you to know.

So, I'll probably stop blabbering right now. If you have come so far, thank you for putting up with me and I wish you enjoy my story!!!!

With love,


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