Chapter 34 Cat fight! The Nekomata siblings

Start from the beginning

"Here I come!" Kuroka yelled as she launched all of her blue flames that she had channelled.

Koneko having just activated her Nekomata powers, realised that she didn't have the luxurious time to establish how to counter Kuroka's Senjutsu.

As a result, the brawler placed up her guard and used her evil pieces perks to reduce the damage.

However, Koneko realised her mistake when the attack that seemed to be aimed towards her exploded in front of her showing clear signs of a feint attack.

"Damn it a feint!" Koneko said as she was sent flying by Kuroka's sneak attack to her back.

Koneko adjusted her position mid-flight and slammed her feet into the dirt correcting her balance.

"Good job Shirone. But, will you be able to block the next attack from an opponent too fast for you to see?" Kuroka boasted as she showed off her increase in speed. Jumping from the branches that surrounded her.

Koneko started to panic. Only seeing the leaves fall to the ground with no sign of the person who dismantled them.

Suddenly, Koneko remembered something that Issei said to her when she was training with Kiba one day.

Koneko was battling against Kiba in the training studio at the Hyoudou residence. And Koneko seemed to have the upper hand.

That is until Kiba got serious and began to disappear from her sight.

Koneko just like in the situation she is currently in, darted her eyes back and forth across the room in an attempt to locate her attacker.

However, Koneko wasn't calm and with every area she searched, her focus began to falter and her nerves began to shake.

It was then that Issei called out to her.

"Calm down Koneko-Chan! When the enemy is moving faster than your eyes can follow, it is then you have to focus all of that wasted energy within your other senses! If you can't see him, listen for his footsteps. If you can't hear him, sense his demonic energy. And if you can't sense his cloaked presence, wait for the moment your opponent strikes, and then counter!"

Koneko was brought back to reality and as a consequence, was finally able to calm herself down. A smile now imprinted on her face.

Even though Issei wasn't there to cheer her on right now, he is still helping her win this fight.

Koneko closed her eyes and suddenly became still like a rock in the middle of a rushing river.

She discarded all pointless worries and relaxed her mind.

The wind howled through the branches of the towering trees and Koneko remained still.

Only her whimsical cat ears twitching slightly as they captured the sound of the branches shivering whilst the black cat leaped from tree to tree.

Suddenly, Koneko's hazel eyes shot wide open and her fist rocketed in the direction behind her.

Unfortunately, to Koneko's irritation, she punched nothing but air and received another thunderous strike to her back.

"Very good Shirone. But you're too slow!" Kuroka said as she leaped down from the branches and propelled Koneko into several trees behind her.

Koneko gripped her hands near her neck. Trying to pry the terrifying claw that had wrapped around it.

"It's so cute seeing you struggle Shirone. But don't do that. Didn't I tell you? Only big sister can protect you. So stop resisting and give up." Kuroka said hoping this would crush Koneko's fighting spirit.

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