"What do you mean by that?" I asked. 

A tear strolled down his cheek, and I instantly wiped it away with the back of my hand. He closed his eyes, and sighed. He got up quickly, and sat once again next to me. He stroked, his hand through his hair and then looked to me. I raised an eyebrow, and mouthed "What is it Kurt?".

"Blaine.. I didn't just get pushed out of McKinley by a bully. Thats not the only reason, I am going to Dalton. The other reason, is that I'm supposed to be spying on The Warblers, for the McKinley Glee Club. New Directions. They chose me, because you know.. Dalton is mostly a boy's school, and plus its a No Bullying Tolerated School. After, this week is Regionals on next Saturday. I was supposed to transfer back to McKinley just before, it and give them what The Warblers are doing. But.. Blaine, now that I've met you. I don't ever want to leave Dalton. Blaine, I've really fallen for you!? And, I know.. I'm pathetic, and stupid, and such a deceitful liar. I don't even deserve you.. Or The Warblers trust.. Or Sebastian as such a good friend.. I don't deserve it. But Blaine, I love you! I don't want you.. I just.. I NEED YOU!? And, I don't want you to leave me because, of this. I trust you in whatever you do now.. You can tell The Warblers.. You could, hate me. Do whatever, you want. But, just know.. I still loved you either way. I love you.. And I could never keep this from you." Kurt explained, while crying his heart out. He buried his face his hands, as I just tried to put everything together and, understand what he was saying.

He didn't look at me, but I did just stare at him. I really, wasn't the only one with problems. I mean, I know I'm not the only person in the world, with problems but.. It felt like with him, he had the perfect life and I had the crappy one. 

But, I was happy that he could tell me... Tell me, this even if he was scared it would ruin our friendship. Kurt deserved EVERYTHING! He had courage. Something, I always have talked about but, never have I once ever actually, showed it. And in the whole world, there wasn't an amount of anything, that Kurt didn't deserve.

If anything, I didn't deserve him. I was completely, faking my real looks. If Kurt really, saw me.. He might never see me the same ever again, and its the same if he knew I cutted myself. Or that, I almost committed suicide. Or that, I hated myself.. 

I came closer to him, and pulled him into a hug. And I hugged him tight, so that I never let go. He hugged me tighter, as if he really NEVER wanted to let go. I smiled, and a tear went down my cheek as well. It killed me to see Kurt cry. I never, thought I'd see this for a while, but seeing it now.. It hurt. 

"Kurt.. I don't care about that. Your not pathetic. Your not stupid. And your not a deceitful liar! If anything, I don't deserve you Kurt. Your amazing.. I mean, really. Kurt your just, gorgeous, and sweet, and sensitive.. Your so caring, and selfless. And you love me Kurt! You love me more, then I ever imagined you would. I could never hate you, or tell anyone. It's killing me, right now to see you like this. I love you, so, so much.. I.. I will never.. EVER! Let you go. I will never let anyone hurt you. No one.." I told him, putting a hand onto each of his shoulders. I stared right into his surprised eyes, and kissed him.

His arms seemed to suddenly, hang loosely and my hands were on his cheeks. I closed my eyes, hoping this would never end. It didn't. Not until, our lips backed away from eachother. We both stood there though.. I looked at him, as he looked at me. I came closer, once again and wiped away a tear from his cheek with my hand. He smiled, happily as I did too. We stayed that way for a while, and then we began to walk again through the park, all the way more into the town. Where resturaunts, and bars, and shops were.

I checked, my watch and noticed it was at least..

1:20 PM 

I sighed, and put my arm around Kurt as we walked. Kurt didn't mind and, as we were walking came even closer to me. We were both openly gay, and I didn't give a DAMN about what anyone thought of it.

Not The Warblers. Not Alex. Not Jason. Not Sebastian. Not Finn.. Not even Kurt's dad Burt. Okay, maybe a little bit..

I loved Kurt, and there was no way in hell I was gonna lose him, though! Not to anyone. If Sebastian, was going to fight for him, then so was I. And, I wasn't going to let HIM win. Kurt was mine.



And I loved it. 

I know right now, if I told him.. Told him my past, that he wouldn't care. Or maybe he would. But, I don't really know. But, right now I feel like he wouldn't. I'll tell him soon.. Real soon. I promise, it to myself and to Kurt. Because, I trusted Kurt. I trusted him, more than anyone in the world. More then my whole family even. He was my one TRUE love. The person I wanted, to call mine.. 


As we walked, we began singing a little bit of a song together.. 

Mine by Taylor Swift.

"Yes, yes,

I can see it now.

Do you remember we were sittin' there by the water,

You put your arm around me,

For the first time."

Kurt sang the last sentence, perfectly and with a big smile on his face. As if, he really meant it. Which he did, most likely.

"You are the best thing, thats ever been mine.."

Love of my Life - ON HOLD -Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt