Chapter 19: Azelle

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'What did she say again?' Annabeth asked for the millionth time.

I wished Annabeth would stop pacing. She was making me dizzy just watching her, going back and forth and back and forth and back and-

I closed my eyes and rested my head against the wall, 'She said, "Watch and wait." And she seemed really afraid of something.'

Annabeth's sneakers clapped against the concrete floor, 'Destruction?'

I sighed, 'Possibly. She knew my name. My real name, I mean.'

I opened my eyes. Annabeth had stopped pacing and was frowning at me.

'She knew you were Percy?'

I nodded, 'Yeah. Something about her was familiar. Kind of like I'd met her before.'

Annabeth's frown deepened and she resumed pacing. I groaned and stood, using the wall to hoist myself up. My bones ached in protest, almost whining Sit back down! It's less painful that way.

Despite my body's disapproval, I walked around the cell, trying to work some feeling back into my numb limbs. My muscles were weak from non use and standing gave me a pounding headache. I stretched my neck and felt a painful kink pop.

Annabeth was still pacing, with a look on her face like she was doing an incredibly hard maths sum in her head. She was waving her fingers around, her face scrunched up. I took the time to think.

Where had I seen that girl before? It was odd, like I'd never seen her in person, but only in an old photograph or a dream. The image was sketchy and the more I thought about it, the more it made no sense. I had never met this girl face to face, of that I was sure. But she still felt familiar.

I hoped we didn't have to wait too long before we learnt what her warning meant.

For once, the gods headed my prayer.

We had no idea how much time past. All we knew was that we went to sleep four times. They never came and fed us, so our conclusion was that Destruction was going leave us here to starve.

It was working. We were both incredibly skinny and pale. Whenever we were awake, we were lightheaded, tired and very hungry. Whenever we were asleep, we would have nightmares. All in all, not one of my most pleasant experiences.

 But if I was dying, I wanted to spend every last moment with Annabeth. For the last 10 000 years (or 10. Depends on how you look at it) she thought that she'd driven me away, and I thought that she'd betrayed me. Now we knew the truth, we wanted to spend every moment making up for those years.

We woke up the forth time clutched in each others grip, just like we had previously.

I smiled at her weakly, and she returned it. We went through our little routine of saying good morning and asking how we were. Then we got up and moved about the cell, trying desperately to think of something - anything - to help us make sense of the girls words. I didn't know why, but I got the feeling that we should heed her warning.

I glanced at the door. It was wide and very tall, big enough for even a giant (I've met enough giants to know). It was carved out of a stone that I'd never seen before and engraved with words in a forgotten language. Annabeth said that they would be spells of binding, keeping or powers locked inside us. If we ever got out, we should be still able to use them.

Unfortunately, the odds of us escaping were rather slim.

I sighed and slid down the back wall. Two seconds later, the door exploded open in a cloud of dust. Coughing and spluttering, Annabeth and I found each others hands and moved slowly towards the dust hidden door.

Epsilon and his Army of Chaos (Watty's 2013) [COMPLETED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat