snowed in...

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Shows everywhere and anywhere were happening. The show I was dreading was Rian and Alex’s birthday holiday bash thing cause hey monday was still playing.. 

I was sitting in the green room.I was fidgety. okay beyond that. i was full on hyper. Today was gonna be a fun show. it was the ugly sweater christmas show. I looked cute in my sweater beanie and uggs,So did Ally and Amanda. Gosh we are all weird. I couldn’t wait for the show. I could however wait for the after party for the moron’s birthdays. Thanks to the two of them I am broke as hell. gosh why do their birthdays have to be so freaking close together... 

“what did you get Alex?”Allyson asked

“Shit,I forgot!”I yelled laughing “Stupid shit.”

“Thats a lot of shit.”Olly laughed

“ShhhhhhIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!”Sam yelled walking inside covered in snow. 

“Sams where did ya get the snow?”I asked

“Um,outside.”Sam said like my question was valid and made sense

“It falls from the sky.”Alex said guess he was behind Sam 

“Oh wow!”I said as greg handed me my guitar 

“Christmas set?”

“Hot cocoa?”I asked

“No.”Allyson said 


“Show’s cancelled.”Someone said 

“NOOOO, we have fans waiting.”I yelled and ran outside to find poor little cold fans.

we let the waiting ones in and told everyone else not to come. than we all made the rational decision to send those kids home too,so that we weren’t stuck there. we gave em free merch played songs and some other stuff. Than we all about to leave when the power went out and we all realized we were stuck here. All of us.. Thank god we have food. 

“babe you cold?‘Alex asked 

“Nope.”I said as I looked at Rian and Cass. Cassadee looked so upset Rian looked pissed. Oh boy..

“Fuck you.”Rian said to cass as he started walking over to Jack. Damn I wish molly was here.. that would be fun...

we all randomly started singing. I recorded it and than a weird little fight broke out. between Hey monday and All Time Low. 

‘Yo Bitches chill!”I yelled jumping on the couch.(I was still recording)

‘oww!”Cass yelled (erm I may have by accidentally hit her.)


Than Cass and I got into a little argument. she called me a bitch and a whore.I called her ugly. but than Rian got defensive and they made up.. such a fucked up couple 

I was laying on Alex’s lap.

“Happy Birthday.”I said 

“Thanks.”Alex said kinda upset.

“Whats wrong?”I asked 

“I wanted my birthday after party show thing to be just us.”Alex whispered

“Oh.”I said “Yeah thats understandable.” 

“think we could find a closet?”Alex asked 

“not gonna work.”


Damom Honey? are you okay? heard about snow storm! hope your all safe and warm... XOXOXO MOM! 

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